Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lincoln vs. Obama's Born-Again America

By Lloyd Marcus

In his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln acknowledged that America was "conceived in Liberty." Lincoln could never imagine voters supporting a president aborting liberty to bear anew America conceived in government. ObamaCare is the equivalent of America born again, conceived in government.

In the classic movie Planet of the Apes, Charleston Heston crash-landed his spacecraft on a strange planet where apes were superior to humans. Shocked to realize that the strange planet was really earth several years into the future, Heston cried out in devastation, pain, and anger at man: "Damn you! Damn you all to hell! You blew it up!"

I believe that President Lincoln would have a similar reaction, returning to America today. Devastated and disbelieving, Lincoln would ask, How did this happen?

The left began assaulting the minds of voters many years ago to impregnate them with the seed of Socialism, thus birthing a new America conceived in government. Democrat President Roosevelt was a Founding Seducer in the left's scheme to have voters seek security in government.

Decades ago, the left successfully banned prayer in public schools, which taught children that God and traditional morality were no longer welcome. Seizing the moment, like locusts, socialist/progressives swarmed into schools, indoctrinating our kids with their "new morality" -- anti-Christian, anti-parent, anti-American, and pro-homosexuality. These leftists' agenda included branding Christianity fanatical while teaching respect and sympathy for Islam. Patriotism was redefined as rude to foreigners -- capitalism is immoral and selfish -- opposing gay marriage is prejudice, equal to the black civil rights movement.

While sipping our coffees at Starbucks (President Lincoln in disbelief at the price of our Javas), I continue explaining to the stunned former U.S. president how we got to where we are in America today.

Mr. President, you won't believe this, but individual liberty and achievement are attacked at every turn on TV, in movies, and in the media. TV? Oh, it's a box on the wall projecting images...never mind, I'll explain later.

The Oprah Winfrey TV show, along with a media dominated by liberals and the Democratic Party, contributed to creating the mindset in voters that everyone is a victim of someone or something. Their usual imaginary villains are rich racist male Caucasians.

The left has created a touchy-feely culture, in which self-esteem and hurt feelings now trump common sense and individual responsibility.

Thanks to your efforts, Mr. Lincoln, America elected its first black president. The bad news is that he trashes the Constitution whenever, which is often, it interferes with implementing his Socialistic agenda. Sadly, dumbed-down public-school-educated feelings-trump-law voters see no problem with government accruing un-Constitutional power.

Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

No Sir, Mr. Lincoln, voters did not learn of Franklin's quote in school. Public schools ceased teaching true U.S. History many years ago.

Because feelings now trump law, in the name of safety and compassion, government control/regulations have been allowed to become tyrannical. Federal regulations have quadrupled under Obama, stifling business. A tsunami of new Obama regulations are on the horizon. Meanwhile, idiot Obama voters believe that the lack of jobs is President Bush's fault. I guess you're right, Sir (President Lincoln) -- calling voters idiots is probably not the best thing. But the catastrophic consequences of their stupidity is breathtaking.

Mr. Lincoln, government continues to usurp more and more control over every aspect of our lives, including the calories we consume. The First Lady decided that she knows better than parents what to feed their children. As a result, federal agents confiscated a preschooler's lunch prepared by her mom and forced her to eat government-approved Chicken Nuggets.

The mayor of New York banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16oz. As a nation, we laughed and thought it absurd. But there was no real opposition, which resulted in a ban on super-sized drinks in the Big Apple.

Here's a biggy, Mr. Lincoln: the Second Amendment is soon to go the way of the dinosaur. Government, remarkably with voter approval, is in the process of disarming Americans -- thus leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals and government to do with us as they please.

Where is our country headed when you consider that Adolf Hitler also disarmed the people and used giveaways to seduce supporters?

Sir, I could go on and on with examples of Americans foolishly and stupidly surrendering liberties to government for the fairytale promise of safety, security, and a free lunch. I know what you are thinking, Sir: there is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody has to pay the bill. Unbelievably, the left's new morality has redefined "fairness" to mean government confiscating from achievers and redistributing to entitlement junkies.

Mr. President (Lincoln), it has been awesome hanging out with you. Sir, I know it looks really, really bad right now. I share your tears for our country. I promise to keep fighting for the values and principles we both know are right and best for all Americans. I am chairman of a new organization called the Conservative Campaign Committee. Our ultimate goal is to convince a majority to reject Obama's born-again America and return back to your America -- conceived in Liberty.

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