Monday, March 18, 2013

30 Days of Knowledge - Day #14

1) Dr. Charles F. Stanley's 30 Life Principles

God Acts on Our Behalf

Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-4

I. Introduction: In order to grow as believers, you and I must learn to wait on the Lord. When we surrender to His timing, He does mighty things in and for us, according to His will and His timing. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him (Life Principle #14). In other words, we must allow His timing—not our own agenda—to guide our lives. That way, we can experience His very best.

II. Waiting on God

A. What is God’s role in our waiting?

1. The Father’s reveals His will.

2. He also guides our choices and protects the outcome of our obedience.

3. When we obey Him, we are shielded from all kinds of damaging circumstances.

4. As we wait, the Lord heals, comforts, teaches, and empowers us.

5. He encourages, answers prayers, and gives peace (Phil. 4:6-7).

B. What does it mean to wait on God?

1. Resting in the Lord requires patience, which is simply the will to wait.

2. You and I must also listen for further instruction, instead of rushing ahead with our solution or agenda.

3. Waiting requires that we calmly accept the Lord’s work in our lives.

4. Some of us may have to surrender what seems like an immediate need and resist the temptation to set our own timeline.

5. Waiting on Him is purposeful anticipation that God will accomplish what He promises.

C. The Psalms speak of waiting on God.

1. The Psalms speak of waiting on God.

2. Those who obey Him ultimately won’t suffer shame (Ps. 25:3).

3. Resting in the Lord is not passive, but active (Ps. 37:7).

4. As a result of surrendering to His timing in faith, we can expect His very best (Ps. 37:34).

D. Why do we have to wait? God is…

1. Arranging circumstances (e.g., Israelites marching numerous times around Jericho; David waiting to be made king).

2. Purifying our motives. Rather than act out of lust, greed, or pride, we should be stirred by love, service, and obedience.

3. Teaching us to rely on Him. If every prayer were answered immediately, we might never learn to trust God.

4. Protecting us from unseen danger. Those who rush ahead of the Father run into unexpected difficulties.

5. Preparing us to impact others. When you wait on God’s timing, you can be an awesome testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness.

E. What are our choices?

1. We can manipulate circumstances. Doing this will forfeit the Lord’s best and may even result in disaster.

2. We can walk away from Him. In other words, we can allow disappointment to destroy our fellowship with the Father.

3. We can wait on the Lord, watch Him work, and reap the reward.

F. The Requirements

1. Faith: Can you trust Him when things get difficult?

2. Patience: We must set aside our own agenda and allow Him to work.

3. Humility: Prideful people often disobey God. They might believe their plans are better than His, or perhaps they worry too much about what others will think.

4. Courage: This is necessary if we are to resist the temptation to do things our way, disregard negative peer pressure, and stand firm against the fear of failure.

G. The Consequences of Failing to Wait

1. We experience disappointment.

2. We step outside of God’s will.

3. We miss out on His best.

4. We bring hurt, pressure, and suffering upon ourselves. Resisting Him always has negative consequences.

III. Conclusion: When believers grow impatient, it is easy to rush ahead of God’s work. My prayer is that we would learn to wait on His answer—and do it joyfully. Why? God’s Word says that He acts on behalf of those who trust in Him. No, He doesn’t promise to give us everything we want. But when you and I watch for His provision, it will come—every time.



2) The 30-Day Reading List That Will Lead You to Becoming a Knowledgeable Libertarian by Robert Wenzel

The Health Plan's Devilish Principles


Murray wrote against Hillarycare in 1994; his article is also relevant to Obamacare in 2010.

The standard media cliché about the Clinton health plan is that God, or the Devil, depending on your point of view, "is in the details." There is surprising agreement among both the supporters and all too many of the critics of the Clinton health "reform." The supporters say that the general principles of the plan are wonderful, but that there are a few problems in the details: e.g., how much will it cost, how exactly will it be financed, will small business get a sufficient subsidy to offset its higher costs, and on into the night.

The alleged critics of the Clinton Plan also hasten to assure us that they too accept the general principles, but that there are lots of problems in the details. Often the critics will present their own alternative plans, only slightly less complex than the Clinton scheme, accompanied by assertions that their plans are less coercive, less costly, and less socialistic than the Clinton effort. And since health care constitutes about one-seventh of the American output, there are enough details and variants to keep a host of policy workers going for the rest of their lives.

But the details of the Clintonian plan, however diabolic, are merely petty demons compared to the general principles, where Lucifer really lurks. By accepting the principles, and fighting over the details, the Loyal Opposition only succeeds in giving away the store, and doing so before the debate over the details can even get under way. Lost in an eye-glazing thicket of minutiae, the conservative critics of Clintonian reform, by being "responsible" and working within the paradigm set by The Enemy, are performing a vital service for the Clintonians in snuffing out any clear-cut opposition to Clinton's Great Leap Forward into health collectivism.

Let us examine some of the Mephistophelean general principles in the Clintonian reform, seconded by the conservative critics.

1.      GUARANTEED UNIVERSAL ACCESS. There has been a lot of talk recently about "universal access" to this or that good or service. Many "libertarian" or "free-market" proponents of education "reform," for example, advocate tax-supported voucher schemes to provide "access" to private schooling. But there is one simple entity, in any sort of free society, that provides "universal access" to every conceivable good or service, and not just to health or education or food. That entity is not a voucher or a Clintonian ID card; it's called a "dollar." Dollars not only provide universal access to all goods and services, they provide it to each dollar-holder for each product only to the extent that the dollar-holder desires. Every other artificial accessor, be it voucher or health card or food stamp, is despotic and coercive, mulcts the taxpayer, is inefficient and egalitarian.

2.      COERCIVE. "Guaranteed universal access" can only be provided by the robbery of taxation, and the essence of this extortion is not changed by calling these taxes "fees," "premiums," or "contributions." A tax by any other name smells as rotten, and has similar consequences, even if only "employers" are forced to pay the higher "premiums."

Furthermore, for anyone to be "guaranteed" access to anything, he has to be forced to participate, both in receiving its "benefits" and in paying for them. Hence, "guaranteed universal access" means coercing not only taxpayers, but everyone as participants and contributors. All the weeping and wailing about the 37 million "uninsured" glosses over the fact that most of these uninsured have a made a rational decision that they don't want to be "insured," that they are willing to take the chance of paying market prices should health care become necessary. But they will not be permitted to remain free of the "benefits" of insurance; their participation will become compulsory. We will all become health draftees.

3.      EGALITARIAN. Universal means egalitarian. For the dread egalitarian theme of "fairness" enters immediately into the equation. Once government becomes the boss of all health, under the Clinton plan or the Loyal Opposition, then it seems "unfair" for the rich to enjoy better medical care than the lowest bum. This "fairness" ploy is considered self-evident and never subject to criticism. Why is "the two-tier" health system (actually it has been multi-tier) any more "unfair" than the multi-tier system for clothing or food or transportation? So far at least, most people don't consider it unfair that some people can afford to dine at The Four Seasons and vacation at Martha's Vineyard, whereas others have to rest content with McDonald's and staying home. Why is medical care any different?

And yet, one of the major thrusts of the Clinton Plan is to reduce us all to "one-tier," egalitarian health care status.

4.      COLLECTIVIST. To ensure equality for one and all, medical care will be collectivist, under close supervision of the federal Health Care Board, with health provision and insurance dragooned by government into regional collectives and alliances. The private practice of medicine will be essentially driven out, so that these collectives and HMOs will be the only option for the consumer. Even though the Clintonians try to assure Americans that they can still "choose their own doctor," in practice this will be increasingly impossible.

5.      PRICE CONTROLS. Since it is fairly well known that price controls have never worked, that they have always been a disaster, the Clinton Administration always keen on semantic trickery, have stoutly denied that any price controls are contemplated. But the network of severe price controls will be all too evident and painful, even if they wear the mask of "premium caps," "cost caps," or "spending control." They will have to be there, for it is the promise of "cost control" that permits the Clintonians to make the outrageous claim that taxes will hardly go up at all. (Except, of course, on employers.) Tight spending control will be enforced by the government, not merely on its own, but particularly on private spending.

One of the most chilling aspects of the Clinton plan is that any attempt by us consumers to get around these price controls, e.g. to pay higher than controlled prices to doctors in private practice, will be criminalized. Thus, the Clinton Plan states that "A provider may not charge or collect from the patient a fee in excess of the fee schedule adopted by an alliance," and criminal penalties will be imposed for "payment of bribes or gratuities" (i.e. "black market prices") to "influence the delivery of health service."

In arguing for their plan, by the way, the Clintonians have added insult to injury by employing absurd nonsense in the form of argument. Their main argument for the plan is that health care is "too costly," and that thesis rests on the fact that health care spending, over recent years, has risen considerably as a percentage of the GDP. But a spending rise is scarcely the same as a cost increase; if it were, then I could easily argue that, since the percentage of GDP spent on computers has risen wildly in the past ten years, that "computer costs" are therefore excessive, and severe price controls, caps, and spending controls must be imposed promptly on consumer and business purchases of computers.

6.      MEDICAL RATIONING. Severe price and spending controls means, of course, that medical care will have to be strictly rationed, especially since these controls and caps come at the same time that universal and equal care is being "guaranteed." Socialists, indeed, always love rationing, since it gives the bureaucrats power over the people and makes for coercive egalitarianism.

And so this means that the government, and its medical bureaucrats and underlings, will decide who gets what service. Medical totalitarianism, if not the rest of us, will be alive and well in America.

7.      THE ANNOYING CONSUMER. We have to remember a crucial point about government as against business operations on the market. Businesses are always eager for consumers to buy their product or service. On the free market, the consumer is king or queen and the "providers" are always trying to make profits and gain customers by serving them well. But when government operates a service, the consumer is transmuted into a pain-in-the-neck, a "wasteful" user-up of scarce social resources. Whereas the free market is a peaceful cooperative place where everyone benefits and no one loses, when government supplies the product or service, every consumer is treated as using a resource only at the expense of his fellow men. The "public service" arena, and not the free market, is the dog-eat-dog jungle.

So there we have the Clintonian health future: government as totalitarian rationer of health care, grudgingly doling out care on the lowest possible level equally to all, and treating each "client" as a wasteful pest. And if, God forbid, you have a serious health problem, or are elderly, or your treatment requires more scarce resources than the Health Care Board deems proper, well then Big Brother or Big Sister Rationer in Washington will decided, in the best interests of "society," of course, to give you the Kevorkian treatment.

8.      THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD. There are many other ludicrous though almost universally accepted aspects of the Clinton Plan, from the gross perversion of the concept of "insurance" to the imbecilic view that an enormous expansion of government control will somehow eliminate the need for filling out health forms. But suffice it to stress the most vital point: the plan consists of one more Great Leap Forward into collectivism.

9.      The point was put very well, albeit admiringly, by David Lauter in the Los Angeles Times (September 23). Every once in a while, said Lauter, "the government collectively braces itself, takes a deep breath and leaps into a largely unknown future." The first American leap was the New Deal in the 1930s, leaping into Social Security and extensive federal regulation of the economy. The second leap was the civil rights revolution of the 1960s. And now, writes Lauter, "another new President has proposed a sweeping plan" and we have been hearing again "the noises of a political system warming up once again for the big jump."

  1. The only important point Mr. Lauter omits is leaping into what? Wittingly or unwittingly, his "leap" metaphor rings true, for it recalls the Great Leap Forward of Mao's worst surge into extreme Communism.

The Clinton health plan is not "reform" and it doesn't meet a "crisis." Cut through the fake semantics, and what we have is another Great Leap Forward into socialism. While Russia and the former Communist states are struggling to get out of socialism and the disaster of their "guaranteed universal health care" (check their vital statistics), Clinton and his bizarre Brain Trust of aging leftist grad students are proposing to wreck our economy, our freedom, and what has been, for all of the ills imposed by previous government intervention, the best medical system on earth.

That is why the Clinton health plan must be fought against root and branch, why Satan is in the general principles, and why the Ludwig von Mises Institute, instead of offering its own 500-page health plan, sticks to its principled "four-step" plan laid out by Mises Institute Senior Fellow Hans-Hermann Hoppe (The Free Market April 1993) of dismantling existing government intervention into health.

Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was dean of the Austrian School, founder of modern libertarianism, and academic vice president of the Mises Institute.



3) Roger’s Rangers Rules or Plan of Discipline by Major Robert Rogers

Rule #14


When you encamp at night, fix your sentries in such a manner as not to be relieved from the main body till morning, profound secrecy and silence being often of the last importance in these cases. Each sentry, therefore, should consist of six men, two of whom must be constantly alert, and when relieved by their fellows, it should be done without noise; and in case those on duty see or hear anything, which alarms them, they are not to speak, but one of them is silently to retreat, and acquaint the commanding officer thereof, that proper dispositions may be made; and all occasional sentries should be fixed in like manner.



4) 52 Weeks to Preparedness by Tess Pennington

Week 19 of 52: Food Storage Tools


When emergencies last longer than originally intended, your basic needs such as food and water become the highest priority. Food and water security is one of the greatest advantages for being prepared for longer-term emergencies. In order to understand the importance of having a long-term food supply, you need to begin seeing food as a necessary investment to your family’s well being. When I first began storing a long-term food supply 3 years ago, the price of food was still relatively cheap for most of the foods I bought. Because of that investment that I made, I am still living off the food that I bought 3 years ago and have saved a lot of money as a result of the increased food prices.

It is best to store dry goods for long-term storage. Dry foods that we typically see in our pantry such as grains, rice, beans, oats, wheat, corn kernels, powdered milk, sugar, salt, baking powder, etc. are the best types of foods to store. Also, having an understanding of how long certain foods last can help you in your food supply endeavors. This guideline can help you determine how long your stored foods will last.

Usually, foods that are purchased at a grocery store are packaged for short-term use. Therefore, if these foods will become part of your long-term food supply, they will need to be re-packaged. Since there are many techniques used for re-packaging food, I will discuss the techniques that I use in my own preparedness supplies. Feel free to do some research on your own to learn different ways to storing food.

  • Multi-barrier system – Many preppers like to choose a multi-barrier approach to store their food. This barrier system will keep natural elements such as sunlight, moisture and air out of the container when sealed. The multi-barrier method uses Mylar bags (also called food liners) to initially seal the dry food and then the Mylar bags are placed in a food grade plastic container. There are different sizes of Mylar bags that can be used. I have small Mylar bags to use for my short-term food sources and large Mylar bags that fit into 5-gallon plastic containers to use for my longer-term food sources.
  • Vacuum sealing method – I use this method for short-term food storage by vacuum sealing dry food in food sealer plastic packaging and then I add the sealed plastic packages to Mylar bags. Then, I seal the Mylar bag. This is a little more work, but when I go to grab the food, I know that I have taken every precaution at ensuring it’s quality.
  • Mylar bags technique – Some people only use Mylar bags to store their foodstuffs. I use this approach in my short-term food supply because the food is usually in smaller quantities and will be used more frequently. However, there is some risk to using this method because it can leave the food supply vulnerable to natural elements and also to insects.

To learn more about sealing food appropriately, click here.

In order to have these foods stored properly, you need to right tools. The tools that I have suggested below are used for short and long-term food storage preparation. These necessary investments will ensure that your food sources are protected from your food’s worst enemies.

Food Storage Containers – Any large quantities of food that you plan to store indefinitely should be stored in food grade containers. These containers will not transfer any non-food chemicals into the food, nor are there any chemicals within the container that are hazardous to humans. Typically a food grade container has a #2 by the recycle symbol or the acronym ”HDPE” stamp on the bottom (HPDE stands for “high density polyethylene”). Before any food is to be stored, clean the containers with soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly. 5-gallon plastic containers are the most popular amongst those who store bulk quantities of food. Also, ensure that you have an air tight lid.

Mylar Food Liners – Research has shown that over time, slow amounts of oxygen seep through the walls of plastic containers. Consequently, over time natural elements, and even insects can find a way inside the container. To add additional protection, adding a food liner, such as Mylar bags will ensure that there are multiple barriers for the food to be protected in. These food liners come in an assortment of sizes.

Food Sealers – Food vacuum sealers remove and lock out air and moisture using specially-designed bags and canisters. This ensures that the longevity of the foods are preserved for as long as possible. Using food sealers are a great way to ensure that all oxygen is removed from food sources before it is placed in a long-term environment.

Oxygen Absorbers – Using oxygen absorbers greatly prolongs the shelf life of stored food. Because it absorbs the oxygen from the container, it inhibits the growth of aerobic pathogens and molds. Oxygen absorbers begin working the moment they are exposed to oxygen. Therefore, it is best to work as efficiently as possible. Oxygen absorbers come in different sizes, so pay attention to the size needed for the container. Typically, 2,000 cc’s of oxygen absorbers should be added to one 5-gallon bucket. Oxygen absorbers are not edible, not toxic and does not effect the smell and taste of the product.

Desiccant Packets – Desiccant packets moderate the moisture level when placed in a food container. They do not absorb the moisture. Please note that desiccant is not edible. If the packet somehow breaks open and spills onto the stored food, the entire contents of the container must be thrown away. There are certain food items that desiccant should not be added to, specifically: flour, sugar and salt. These items need a certain amount of moisture to stay activated, and if desiccant is added to it, they will turn into a hard brick.

Heat Clamp – A person can use a heat clamp to seal the Mylar bags, or they can seal their Mylar bags with a simple at home iron put on the highest setting. The heat clamp is usually around $85 and is specially made for sealing Mylar bags. If the home iron method is used, ensure that you use a hard surface such as a cutting board or book to iron on and slowly go over the Mylar bag. Note: if using an at home iron to seal Mylar, this method must be done gently and slowly or the Mylar will be damaged.

Where To Purchase These Products?

  • The Ready Store– For smaller scale purchases
  • Amazon- For smaller scale purchases
  • Ropak– For large quantity purchases
  • Sorbent Systems– For large quantity purchases
  • Latter Day Saint Food Storage Warehouses
  • Call around to different restaurants around your area and see if they have any food grade containers with lids that you can have. Typically, restaurants are happy to give these away as they have no need for these containers after they are used. This could save you a lot of money investing in food grade containers.

Storing food is a continual process of using, rotating and resupplying. If a person invests in a food supply, the food should be used and more food purchased to resupply the storage shelf. Think of your food supply as a small store where the foods in the front has the shortest expiration date and the ones in the back have the longest.

A little preventative maintenance can go along way in terms of food storage. Understanding the different methods for storing your food supply for short or long term storage will help you get the most out of your food investment.

Preps To Buy:

  • Mylar Bags (in different sizes)
  • Oxygen Absorbers
  • Desiccants
  • Plastic Food Storage Containers
  • Food Vacuum Sealer with plastic liners
  • Heat Clamp or Iron

Action Items:

1. Find a safe, dry area in the home to store your longer-term food supplies. Those who are tight on space can use creative methods such as shelving units high in their closets, extra bedrooms or closets. As long as the space is dry, is free from temperature fluctuations, and is large enough to store the foods, it can be used. It is best not to use a garage or attic as a food storage area due to the drastic temperature fluctuations that occur in these areas of the home.

2. Make a list of what types of long-term foods you plan on storing for your long-term food supply. Those that have family members with special dietary needs should do further research on which types of foods they will need.

3. Practice using your food storage tools on short-term foods to ensure that you understand how to tools work.


Week 20 of 52: 1 Month Supply of Food

We are all preparing for different reasons and to different degrees, however, most of you can agree that we are all preparing for a scenario where we will need to have emergency supplies to fall back on when the time comes. We have discussed in previous newsletters how storing food is both economical as well as promotes personal responsibility. Knowing that you can sustain your family in a disaster also provides peace of mind, which is priceless.

When storing food for long-term emergencies, it is hard to calculate how much food a person or family will need. One of the golden rules of prepping is “it’s better to be over prepared rather than under prepared.” Ensure that your family has enough food for long-term emergencies by researching to find out how many calories a person needs per day in order to survive, and knowing how much food to store. Remember to turn to the long-term food supply guideline to ensure that your food stays within it’s expiration date.

Certain foods can stand the test of time and are lifelines to families. The following is a detailed list of the suggested prep items for you to purchase this week. Most of these items are lifetime survival foods, meaning their shelf life is 20 years+ and would be a good investment to make towards your food security.

  • White Rice – White rice is a major staple item that preppers like to put away because it’s a great source for calories, is rich in starches and carbohydrates, is cheap and has a long shelf life. Although some prefer brown rice, white rice is the better storage choice. Even though brown rice has more nutrition, it is considered a “living” food and tends to not last as long as white rice does. If properly stored, white rice can last 30 years or more. Rice can be used for breakfast meals, added to soups, made into a variety of side dishes and is also an alternative to wheat flour.
  • Beans – These low cost preps are not only packed with nutrition, but are extremely versatile. Beans are packed with protein, iron, fiber, folate, antioxidants and vitamins. When beans are accompanied with rice, it makes a complete protein which provides all the amino acids needed to survive. One serving of beans and rice provides 19.9 g, or 40 percent of your daily vitamins.
  • Wheat – Wheat is one of your long-term emergency must haves! Besides being a high carbohydrate food, wheat contains valuable protein, minerals, and vita­mins. Wheat protein, when balanced by other foods that supply certain amino acids such as lysine, is an efficient source of protein. Wheat berries are best to store as they will last longer than flour. The berries can also be used as a breakfast cereal, added to soups for additional nutrition, popped like popcorn, ground into flour for baking, used to make alcohol, livestock feed, used as a leavening agent, for sprouting.
  • Oats – Steel cut, rolled or quick cooking oats are the most common types of oats you can buy in bulk. Oats are considered a whole grain and can be a valuable protein source during a long-term situation. In addition, oats can be used in a variety of cooking recipes, ground into flour, sprouted for needed vitamin nutrition, and used as livestock feed. Oats also have proven to be very effective in soothing the skin, and can be used medicinally. The alternative medicine community boasts that infusions of oat straw has also been used to assist in nicotine withdraws, and used to treat flu symptoms and coughs.
  • SaltSalt is a multipurpose, low cost prep that will be highly desirable if a long term disaster were to come around. Prepping calculators suggest having 25 pounds of salt stored for one year. Salt can be used for curing, as a preservative, cooking, cleaning, medicinal, and tanning hides. Salt that is stored in it’s paper packaging can be subject to caking due to exposure to moisture. Packing salt in long-term packaging is suggested.
  • Sugar – Sugar will be highly desirable in a long-term emergency mainly because it will add a bit of normalcy to the situation. With a little sugar stored away you can use it as a sweetener for beverages, in breads, cakes, as a preservative, use it to make alcohol, for curing, gardening, and as an insecticide (equal parts of sugar and baking powder will kill cockroaches). Much like salt, sugar is also prone to absorbing moisture, but this problem can be eradicated by adding some rice granules into the storage container. It is suggested not to add any dessicant packets to sugar as it will cause the sugar to brick.
  • Bouillon Granules – Bouillon granules are a great way to add flavor to dishes during a long-term situation. This could be a great way to beat food fatigue (eating the same types of food repeatedly that causes one to lose their appetite). Because bouillon products contain large amounts of salt, the product is preserved. However, over time, the taste of the bouillon could be altered. If storing bouillon cubes, it would be best to repackage them using a food sealer or sealed in mylar bags. Bulk quantities of bouillon granules can be found at most super stores.
  • Powdered Milk – Because dry milk will probably be the most sensitive food item you are storing, the drier powdered milk can be kept the better. In fact, adding a dessican’t packet when storing for long-term would be helpful in preserving this necessary food item. Powdered milk is not just for drinking. It can be used in a variety of recipes, added to soups, used to make breads, and also has many beauty uses as well.
  • Cooking Oil – Many overlook this critical prep item. Having oil is not only essential to use for cooking purposes, but it can play a large role in our diet as well. The fats contained in oil have nine calories per gram compared to the four calories contained by either carbohydrates or protein. This makes fat a valuable source of concentrated calories that could be of real importance if faced with a diet consisting largely of unrefined grains and legumes. Having cooking oil on hand could also be helpful to aiding the diet intakes of children and elderly since they consume less food and may be risk for malnutrition in a long-term disaster situation. Storing cooking oil could pose a problem. Due to the instability of most cooking oils, unopened bottles of oil have a shelf life of 1 year. This is one example of why it is so important to use the foods that we store. Ironically, coconut oil has a longer shelf life of 5 years when properly stored in cool, dark place. Although darker colored oils have more flavor than paler colored, the agents that contribute to that flavor and color also contribute to faster rancidity. For maximum shelf life buy paler colored oils.

Preps To Buy:

  • White rice in bulk quantities
  • Beans in bulk quantities
  • Wheat in bulk quantities
  • Oats in bulk quantities
  • Sugar in bulk quantities
  • Salt in bulk quantities
  • Bouillon granules in bulk quantities
  • Powdered milk in bulk quantities
  • 2-gallons of cooking oil

Action Items:

  1. Calculate the amount of food your family will need for a month long disaster.
  2. With the food storage items purchased last week, begin assembling Mylar bags and storage containers and pour food contents in and seal for long-term storage. Have a print out on hand on the directions for packing food long term to ensure that you are storing food correctly.
  3. Ensure that food lids are sealed correctly.
  4. Store sealed food containers in a cool, dark, and dry area of the home.
  5. As a reminder, remember not to forget your pets in your long-term food storage plans and ensure that you have packed enough food away for your pets. Dog and cat food can also be stored in food grade plastic containers for long-term use.


5) 110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation by George Washington

#40 – Strive not with your Superiors in argument, but always Submit your Judgment to others with Modesty.


#41 – Undertake not to Teach your equal in the art himself Professes; it Savours of arrogance.


#42 – Let thy ceremonies in Courtesy be proper to the Dignity of his place with whom thou converses for it is absurd to act the same with a Clown and a Prince.


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