Tuesday, August 8, 2023

7017 IDAHO Submitted by N0DNF

Voice Cellular Coverage: 
 Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
 Don't know
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
 Don't know

This summit is located off of Highway 30 Northwest of Soda Springs ID.  Turn North off of Hwy 30 at the Old Oregon Trail highway.  Take this road a couple of miles until you reach Windmill Flat Rd on your right.  Follow this road approx. 1.75miles stopping at the cattle guard. From here you will see an old 4 wheeler trail going up the fence line on your right which is now closed by the BLM.  Follow the fenceline until the corner posts.  Here you will need to bushwhack approx 1.3 miles to the summit.  There is approxiately 1000 ft lift in this bushwhack. When you top out on the ridgeline head East along the ridgline.  Stay on the Northside where it is less exposed until you reach the AZ.

Bill- N0DNF 

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