Monday, February 07, 2011
Disinformation is the art of spreading "credible", but false stories aimed at discrediting, embarrassing, misleading or sowing dissension in the ranks of your political opponents.
The Soviet/Russian KGB and military intelligence are masters at this form of subversion.
One of the great disinformation scams in recent years has been the "9/11" myth - the widely disseminated idea that New York's Twin Towers were destroyed not by Islamic terrorists, but by the American government itself as an excuse to justify U.S. military action in the Middle East.
In my view this idea was cooked up in Moscow then deliberately disseminated through reliable mouthpiece's throughout the West and the Third Wold.
Here's a link to another attempt to keep the "9/11" pot boiling, involving a "former" Soviet military intelligence operative, from Libyan - yes Libyan government newsite Mathaba.
Dimitri Khazelov and George Mapp |
The article takes the form of an interview by Mathaba's George Mapp with former Soviet military intelligence staffer Dimitri Khazelov.
Thermo-nuclear charges placed below New York City`s World Trade Center Twin Towers since at least 1980s, Flight 93 shot down by US Air Force, Pentagon penetrated by Granit missile and other revelations are bound to shake the world this year.Khazelov, claims to have served, in the 1980s as a commissioned officer in the so-called “Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the former USSR, which was otherwise known by its code-name “military unit 46179”. This organization was responsible for gathering various kinds of nuclear intelligence, primarily for the detection of nuclear tests of various adversaries of the former Soviet Union.
Khazelov is due to release a book on "9/11". Some of his allegations include;
- That under the Twin Towers of the WTC in New York there were two huge thermo-nuclear charges intended for emergency demolition of the WTC. These were used to destroy the buildings.
- That rescue workers' ongoing health problems were not caused by dust inhalation but by nuclear vapors.
- That the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile.
- That the "De-facto perpetrators" were "some individuals from the Mossad and from French secret services". But the "real planners and the real perpetrators are, of course, those folks who promote the New World Order, so-called “globalization”, and other means of the final enslavement of humanity on this Planet. Basically they are the very same guys who stood behind the United Nations Organization, Bilderberg Club, the WTO, the so-called “Council on Foreign Relations”, “Trilateral Commission”, Olympic Games enterprise, “Greenpeace”, “Amnesty International”, and other well-known and little-known instruments of the so-called “globalization”. The 9/11 job was conceived and ordered by these guys, of course. The Mossad and the French are merely hired executors – similar to contract killers in the common sense; they are by no means the masterminds."
- That the Bush administration was directly involved in the 9/11 cover-up.
- That Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout is being extradited to the U.S. from Thailand for political reasons, connected to "9/11".
Khazelov, blue shirt, top left, Bout, right, in Thai courtroom |
Khazelov acknowledges a close connection to Bout. Perhaps Bout's trial will be used by the Russians to spread futher "9/11" disinformation?
While there is no doubt that the U.S. government is far too large and overbearing, and elements of it are working against the American people's best interests, it is not the MAIN ENEMY.
The main enemy is based in Moscow.
Moscow understands that by planting false stories like the "9/11" myth, it can achieve several objectives.
- Create massive distrust of the U.S. intelligence and security agencies.
- Divide and confuse the U.S. conservative movement and get them to take their focus off the real external enemies Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc .
- By implicating Israel - increase anti- semitism and destroy international sympathy and support for the West's most reliable ally in the Middle East .
- Divert attention and blame from the Russian/Iranian/Cuban allied Islamic terrorist organizations.
- Create increased hatred of Israel and the U.S. in the Muslim world create more sympathy for Islamic terrorism.
- Discredit all "conspiracy theories", no matter how realistic, or objective.
No doubt Moscow considers this a very cost effective investment.
posted by Trevor Loudon at 2/07/2011 01:32:00 PM
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