Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hamas Salutes Jihad vs US: Collaborators Walk Free

Posted By Joe Blough On September 22, 2010 @ 9:00 am

Hamas has once again declared its enmity toward the US — in the name of Jihad — in Arabic — to a Middle Eastern audience. It’s anybody’s guess what they will say next to soft-headed, gullible Americans in English.

Hamas and its hostility toward America go unrecognized to an extent which is surprising. In the words of Brigitte Gabriel:

Did any of you Rotary Club and Lions Club members know you are mentioned in the charter of Hamas, the largest terrorist Islamic group in the United States, and that you are considered the enemy to be destroyed?

— Because they Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, By Brigitte Gabriel 2006

Bet you didn’t know that. Here’s a translation of the material.

… With their money they [the evil enemies, i.e. Jews] formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies …

One would imagine that such outrageous, and bloodthirsty, weirdness would be more widely acknowledged. Especially insofar as there are Hamas cells sprinkled around the US. Convenient, one would imagine, to the local Rotary club.

In fairness however, most of the time Hamas representatives and agents in the US – c’mon, stop looking surprised – say politically correct, or at least politically fashionable things to ignorant and easily gulled American journalists, and to audiences of willfully self deceived people who are just waiting to get to the hand-holding and kumbayah part. It is usually when they are at home with their pals and speaking Arabic that they normally spell it all out in a way that even an Imagine Peace American might understand.

And it is for that sort of information that we turn to MEMRI. Don’t know about MEMRI? You should. MEMRI publicizes Middle Eastern TV, newspapers and more in translation. It’s the real raw data, uncontaminated by PC and slimy layers of wishful “analysis”. MEMRI has just brought us a speech by Ismail Haniya, Hamas’ Prime Minister in which he “Salutes ‘The Heroic Iraqi Resistance’“.

Here are some choice bits from his speech …

“[This gathering] is a message of defense of our Koran, the eternal constitution of Allah, in response to that lying sinner, that criminal insane pastor, who expresses an insane Western desire, which targets the Koran, Islam, the law of Allah, and the Islamic nation, in Palestine and elsewhere. Today, on their day of celebration, people gather in their thousands, to say: The Koran is our constitution, and we adhere to it. [...]

Notice the reference and the contrast that is being drawn here. There is no particular reason to believe that those words are chosen out of idiocy. On the contrary. He is well aware that the constitution is the document we live by (or are at least supposed to) and is asserting the Koran as a contrast and counter principle. The lying sinner to whom he refers is our Pastor Terry Jones (about whom I opine here).

Our response to that liar will be to raise the Koran in our right hand and to say: The Koran is our constitution, Allah is our destination, the Prophet Muhammad is our leader, Jihad is our path, and death for the sake of Allah is our most supreme desire. [...]

Constitution again, just in case anybody missed it the first time. The implied message is quite clear. Under the American constitution Pastor Jones is within his rights. Under Islamic law he dies as a heretic.

And do not miss the clear and clearly military call to jihad, in the normal sense of armed combat. By his terms our freedom of speech is grounds for war, and he isn’t shy about saying so — contrary to what we are told by our optimistic pols and alleged “experts”.

On this day of blessed celebration, the glad tidings of victory are emerging. The first is the defeat of the U.S. army in Iraq. Those Americans, who came to Iraq in order to swallow it up, along with the entire region, and in order to strike a blow at the Arab and Islamic countries, and to strike a blow at the enterprises of resistance, and to try to eliminate the Palestinian issue — the price they paid in Iraq was very high, in terms of material and human losses.

The U.S. administration and the American people are no longer able to bear the cost, both in human lives and in material losses. They had no choice but to withdraw from Iraq, on the grounds that they could not attain victory on the soil of our sister, Iraq. Therefore, we salute the heroic Iraqi resistance, which persevered in the true battlefield of resistance — confronting the occupier and the Western coalition. Iraq has paid the price with the blood of its sons, and with prisons such as Abu Ghreib, but they were steadfast and broke the backbone of America.

Today, none of the U.S. leaders, past or present, can deliver a victory speech. There is no victory. There is only withdrawal from Iraq in the dark of night. These are the first glad tidings of victory. It has bearing upon the blunder in Afghanistan — the blunder and collapse in terms of security and morale of the armies of the Western coalition in Jihad-fighting and Muslim Afghanistan. Yes, dear brothers, we can say with all confidence that the American enterprise in the region has begun to crumble, from Iraq to Afghanistan, and here, on the land of Palestine.” [...]

It does not require great subtlety of thought to figure out that these people are America’s enemies — notwithstanding their habitual preference for killing Jews first.

… no doubt this [the 9/11 Twin Towers attack] is a result of injustice the U.S practices against the weak in the world …

— Sheikh Yassin, spiritual leader of Hamas, 2001

Meanwhile, back at the ranch …

What is somewhat more surprising, worrisome, and frankly outrageous, is a gaggle of American, pro-Hamas leftists, clustered around our Muslim Outreach Organizer in Chief, Mr. Obama. I refer to Bill (just a guy I knew from the neighborhood) Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn., once prominently featured on the Post Office Wall, Code Pink’s Jodie Evans and their buddies.

It is one of the great ironies of the post WWII generation, which grew up on anti-Nazi movies and anti-totalitarian literature, that so many have ended up in the position of attempting to complete Hitler’s work, i.e. the murder of the Jews and the destruction of America. And that with such a strongly developed sense of moral certainty — not to mention cooler-than-thou social flair.

These people have been doing a variety of things to funnel aid and friendly press attention to Hamas, including supporting blockade runners and pestering Egypt to allow freer passage between Egypt and Gaza for, well, you know, normal things … like peaches and baby food and mortar shells and katyusha rocket parts. Not to mention hard currency.

Traitors. This is not complicated, nuanced or subtle. Hamas are America’s enemies, and these people are fans and supporters of Hamas.

The supremes concur, at least to the extent that Ayers and company are to be considered criminals and can be prosecuted under the criminal code:

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Supreme Court has upheld a federal law that bars “material support” to foreign terrorist organizations, rejecting a free speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups.

The court ruled 6-3 Monday that the government may prohibit all forms of aid to designated terrorist groups, even if the support consists of training and advice about entirely peaceful and legal activities.

Material support intended even for benign purposes can help a terrorist group in other ways, Chief Justice John Roberts said in his majority opinion.

“Such support frees up other resources within the organization that may be put to violent ends,” Roberts said.

Justice Stephen Breyer took the unusual step of reading his dissent aloud in the courtroom. Breyer said he rejects the majority’s conclusion “that the Constitution permits the government to prosecute the plaintiffs criminally” for providing instruction and advice about the terror groups’ lawful political objectives. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor joined the dissent.

I will not surprise you when I say that I applaud the court’s decision. But I have to admit to being confused.

If we have designated an organization as terrorist (not a category I find useful, but whatever), and that terrorist organization is an enemy of the US, at what point do the criminals that support it move to the head of the class and get sent up for treason? It doesn’t look like a very long complicated logical chain to me, but I’m not a lawyer.

In any case, and unfortunately, the real problem is that it is the government’s job to prosecute. What do you think is the likelihood that Eric can’t-say-jihad Holder is going to bust these rascals? How likely is it, do you think, that Obama is going to drop the hammer on the guy in whose living room he launched his political career?

Treasonous dealings in high places and among the well connected are nothing new in human affairs. But what is new here, and will probably make the history books as a first, is the willful abdication of a great nation in the face of weak and inferior enemies.

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