Monday, December 20, 2010

Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media

Posted By Megan Fox On December 19, 2010 @ 9:00 am

There’s nothing the left loves more than a victim. Our entire victim-culture can be summed up into one Oprah Winfrey Show, complete with boxes of Kleenex and clichéd advice about “moving forward” and “finding one’s inner beauty.” Admittedly, it’s tempting to get sucked in. Who doesn’t feel the heart strings tighten when a true story of hardship is presented, complete with video clips of beach walking and wailing orchestral instruments? But “victims” have become entertainment that equal big ratings and instant stardom. As such, one must always be on the lookout for the big hoax.
Surfing Drudge the other morning I ran across an article on some books at Harvard which had been peed upon. These weren’t just any books, but all of them were books with gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered themes. Reading the article and the outrage from the Harvard librarians about “bias crimes” got my hairy eyeball twitching. The word “hoax” came to mind immediately. And sure enough, it has been discovered not only was it not vandalism, but an accident brought on by one of the library’s own staff members. There are questions, however, like why was there a bottle of urine sitting on a shelf in the LGBT section in the first place?
All I’m saying is, it stinks. And it’s not just the urine. It’s not like it would be the first example of a fake crime intended to bring attention to a societal “problem” in the eyes of the vandal. Perhaps someone should investigate the librarian to find out if one of his/her pass-times is inciting unrest. The following are examples of the worst hoaxes committed by radical leftists in the name of social justice.
And we’re starting with a college professor who spray-painted her own car, and then pretended she was the victim of a hate crime: Kerri Dunn.

10. Professor at Claremont College Vandalizes Car. Holds Anti-Hate Rally to Protest
Kerri Dunn gave a barn-burner speech at Claremont College in California about racial discrimination and hatred. After her speech, she went to her car where she found it had been spray painted and vandalized with the words “kike whore” and “n***er lover.” She immediately went back to the event and reported she was a victim of a hate crime. The school shut down classes for an entire day. The president of the college Pamela Gann released a statement.
Students and others responded spontaneously and forcefully last evening. They justifiably want Wednesday to be a day to gather to respond to this event and earlier events at The Claremont Colleges. The students have organized numerous events throughout the day on Wednesday, including a sit-in on the North Quandrangle, and a 5-College rally on the CMC campus at 8:00 PM Wednesday night. In light of these events, I have also directed that CMC cancel classes today, and the other Claremont Colleges have also cancelled [sic] classes. One never lightly cancels classes, for to do so in some way suggests that we can be bullied by the perpetrators of such a heinous crime. Yet, we need every single person in this community to come together, to follow his or her conscience, and to start a process of regaining control of our community. In this way, we can hope to tell the perpetrators that they will in the end be defeated and repudiated.
The haters of hate had a big rally and just when everyone was whipped up into a racially fueled frenzy, two eyewitnesses came forward to report that Dunn had done the damage herself. (Cue leaking balloon sound effect.)  Adding to her long history of criminal activity (shoplifting, driving on a fake license, theft,) she was convicted of two felony counts of attempted insurance fraud and one misdemeanor count of filing a false police report. The college then went on to “defeat and repudiate” the offender by suspending her with pay and renting her a replacement car. The president of a Scripps College wrote this missive when informed of the hoax illustrating why leftists should not be allowed in education.
Above all, we must focus on this: even if the vandalized car and slogans were a hoax, our responses last week were right and appropriate — in our community meeting March 10 in Balch Auditorium and in our strong participation in the evening rally at CMC with all The Claremont Colleges. However painful and confusing this latest development is, we cannot forget the reasons we were outraged in the first place; we cannot avoid the challenges that hatred poses to our community, to our country. We will continue to work to make our campuses welcoming, open, diverse, and productive so that all of us can freely teach and learn to the best of our abilities.
See now, I would think this would be a great time to teach your students about the consequences of breaking the law, lying and inciting hatred in order to further political ambition. (It also wouldn’t hurt to organize a bake sale to pay the taxpayers back for the entire wasted day of school, canceled classes and rally clean-up, all of which totaled around 1 million dollars.)
Next: Another professor with a lively imagination.

9. Crazed Professor Claims “Workplace Terrorism”
Lynn Snowden, far-left counter-terrorism professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW,) accused colleague Mike Adams, criminal justice professor at UNCW and conservative columnist at Townhall, of breaking into her office and spraying it with tear gas. She reported this accusation to the police as well as to the entire staff. She claimed her legs were going numb and that several items in her office had been tampered with including, but not limited to, the margins on her computer. Seriously.
1. Use of crude hand gestures with a sexual nature.
2. Threatening lack of promotion
3. Making false statements regarding promotion
4. Developing policies which only applied to me, such as only 2 DIS (Directed Individual Study projects) per semester
5. Lack of support for publication efforts
6. Using false information in my annual evaluation 7. Trying to humiliate me in front of my colleagues
Persons Unknown
1. Mutilation of Watchband in my office
2. Destruction of tenure documents
3. Tampering with computer including erasing bookmarks insertion of derogatory files manipulation of margins attempted crashes of computer etc., etc.
4. Tampering with printer
5. Note found in car
It seems the trouble began with her accusing another staff member, Cecil Willis, of “hate crimes” and “sexual harassment,” which never proved true. Once her attempt to derail his career blew up, it is possible she just snapped. Snowden was never reprimanded for her false accusations and remains a professor at UNCW. She does, however, avoid her office and picks up her mail with a towel and a plastic bag, none of which she opens before putting it in the microwave. (I did not make that up.) It is clear none of what Snowden alleged was true, but it is not clear if Snowden was trying to cause trouble for Adams or if she’s just stone-cold-crazy. What is certain is the UNCW Police are still laughing about “Tear Gas Lady.”
Next: Cry racism and professional race baiter Al Sharpton will show up.

8. And Now For the Evening Noose
It all began in a little town, Jena, Louisiana. Some high school kids thought they were pulling a prank on the rodeo team by hanging nooses from a tree where they ate lunch every day. On the day of discovery, the kids (white and black) were reported to have been playing with them, doing pull ups on them and even sticking their heads into them. The students responsible were threatened with expulsion but it was decided that was too harsh a punishment since they did not know the significance of the noose in the South. (One more reason to home school your kids.) Instead of expulsion, they received suspension.
This did not sit well with the “community.” They felt the sentence was too light. Enter the race-baiters. The local FBI wanted to treat the noose hanging as a hate crime! I agree it’s dumb and even hateful to hang a noose, but is it against the law? Can you prosecute someone for putting an empty noose in a tree? Isn’t it better to simply ignore such distasteful behavior? And in this case, none of the school officials (or the kids playing on the nooses) thought the boys who did it meant any racial disrespect to anyone!
Months after the noose incident a white student, Justin Barker, was ambushed at school by six black students who beat him unconscious. There was no explanation for this attack although the media attributed it to the noose incident. The only problem with this theory was that Barker wasn’t one of the boys who hung the nooses.
[T]he attack on Barker was not just a schoolyard fight “but rather an unprovoked, unforeseen assault on a young man who had nothing to do with the hanging of the nooses.
Mychal Bell, one of the Jena Six had a violent record. While on probation for another battery charge in 2005, Bell punched a 17-year-old girl in the face and then damaged property. The Washington Post  fanned the flames of racial hatred by falsely reporting Bell had no criminal record angering many in the black community.
Like his co-defendants — Robert Bailey, Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis, Theodore Shaw and Jesse Beard — Bell had no prior criminal record.
Bell ended up serving 18 months in a juvenile facility and Al Sharpton called it “cruel and unusual.” Just over a year for his third conviction of aggravated assault doesn’t sound so bad to me.
The Jena Six were sued in civil court by Barker’s family and lost.
The defendants’ lawyers read a statement apologizing to the Barker family and to the town, and addressing the rumors that the attack had been provoked by Barker using a racial epithet:
To be clear, not one of us heard Justin use any slur or say anything that justified Mychal Bell attacking Justin nor did any of us see Justin do anything that would cause Mychal to react.
But the truth never stops the race circus from coming to town. Salt-n-Peppa, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and John Mellencamp all got in on the action showing up for a 20,000 person rally and march to protest against the so-called “racial injustice” calling for the release of Mychal Bell.
Thousands of demonstrators, including the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, converged on Jena on Sept. 20 to decry what they called a racist double standard in the justice system. They protested the way six blacks were arrested on attempted murder charges in the beating of a white student, while three whites were suspended but not prosecuted for hanging nooses in a tree in August 2006.
Let me get this straight. They wanted to put placing ropes in trees on the same equal footing as beating someone unconscious? Who thinks like this? It’s insulting to black people to insinuate they can’t tell the difference between provocation and aggravated assault. Last I checked, there is no law against hanging an empty noose in a tree. But there are plenty of laws against beating another human being unconscious.
Next: Census worker commits suicide, ‘racist’ Tea Party is blamed.

7. Census Worker Found Hanging, Left Blames Tea Party
A census worker in Kentucky was found hanging with the word “fed” written on his chest and immediately the lefty media leapt to the conclusion that an angry anti-government Tea Partier was involved. They threw in some South-bashing for extra fun.
‘I told him on more than one occasion, based on my years in the state police, ‘Mr. Sparkman, when you go into those counties, be careful because people are going to perceive you different than they do elsewhere,’ Acciardo said.
Even as illustrated in town hall meetings today, there is a distinct hostility in a large segment of the population toward people who work for their government,”
Writers at the Huffington Post took this opportunity to embarrass themselves, writing articles called The Hanged Census Worker: Why Appalachia Hates Feds, and Discussion of Dead Census Worker Highlights Right-Wing Paranoia. Gail McGowan claimed,
Binding him with duct tape and gagging him, a person or persons had taped his federal census ID to his head and shoulder and with a felt tip pen had scrawled FED on his chest.
Too bad that person turned out to be Bill Sparkman, the victim trying to defraud his insurance company. Allison Kilkenny, author of the latter article on the Huff Post wrote this retraction.
It appears this story has a major update that broke over the Thanksgiving holidays that I managed to completely miss. Bill Sparkman’s death has been ruled a suicide. Sincere apologies all around to jumping the gun on this one. However, I’m afraid numerous other examples of vandalism, violence, and threats shows that the extreme right-wing fringe are far from a peaceful bunch.
Her only evidence of these “violent extremists” are debunked accusations about racism at Tea Parties. Nice try.
Next: Liar, liar, pants on fire – the Duke case.

6. The Girl Who Cried Rape
The famous Duke Lacrosse team “rape” of stripper Crystal Gail Magnum made the headlines for quite a while, destroying the lives of many in their wake. I can’t argue that the guys involved in this case were examples of upstanding citizenry or anything. They were idiots who hired strippers at a booze-fueled party. Note to college-age boys: Refrain from getting drunk and calling suspect numbers on Craig’s List. You will regret it.
Everyone knows this story. Black girl accuses white athletes of gang rape, entire university (and media) responds by hanging posters of accused forcing their coach to resign and jumping the gun in defense of the “victim” who later turns out to be another crazy whackjob who made it all up.  I’m sure there were plenty of “Womyn’s Center” Rallys around this one involving really awkward speeches about vagina rights. Like the other hoaxes, this one ended in the falsely accused filing and winning lawsuits, an out of control prosecutor serving jail time and a university staff shamed (but not repentant.)
Houston Baker, Duke professor, famously penned a rambling screed which would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.
How many more people of color must fall victim to violent, white, male, athletic privilege … how many? Before [educators] demonstrate that they don’t just write books, pay lip service, or boast of safe citizenship … but actually do step up morally, intellectually, and bravely to assume responsibilities of leadership for such citizenship. How many? How soon will confidence be restored to our university as a place where minds, souls, and bodies can feel safe from agents, perpetrators, and abettors of white privilege, irresponsibility, debauchery and violence?
Perhaps a better question might be, how can confidence be restored to our universities as places where crazy, irresponsible black studies professors are no longer able to terrorize innocent students?  Speaking of crazy people, Michael Kimmel of the Huffington Post wrote an article detailing his theory that all male lacrosse players are on the brink of raping and killing innocent girls (especially if they come from wealthy families.)
[A]nd it was members of the Duke lacrosse team who were accused of raping a stripper hired for a team party. (Yes, yes, I know: The woman who accused them turned out to be a lying schemer; the guys were exonerated. But it’s interesting that their friends and classmates found the story utterly plausible, as they told countless reporters. And the team did, after all, hire strippers for their team party in violation of all team and university rules.)
Hiring strippers is distasteful, and this might be the first time a leftist thought so. I wonder if Kimmel considered the friends and classmates might have been influenced by a 24 hour news cycle proclaiming the lacrosse team’s guilt? To top this one off, the accuser, Magnum, was arrested convicted earlier this month for child abuse and damaging property. The jury was deadlocked on a felony arson charge.
Next: Another face racist crime, another opportunity for dear Al to shine.

5.  The Infamous Twawna Brawley
Undeniably, this was one of the worst race hoaxes ever committed. A 15-year-old girl faked her own kidnapping and gang rape by “white men” in order to escape punishment from her parents for being somewhere she ought not have been. When Al Sharpton got a hold of her, she became the rallying cry for racial justice in America. Sharpton pulled out all the stops and accused a District Attorney and police officers of being the rapists. One of the officers accused, Harry Crist Jr., had committed suicide before he was named in the attack and his memory was dragged through the mud causing untold pain and humiliation to his family. Eventually the truth came out and Sharpton had to pay tens of thousands of dollars in damages. Somehow, he still is allowed to be a leader in the black community.
The media was, as usual, very helpful in outing their bias against truth.
Some opinions remained fixed. Patricia Williams wrote in 1991 that the teenager “has been the victim of some unspeakable crime. No matter how she got there. No matter who did it to her and even if she did it to herself.
So, even if she kidnapped herself, smeared herself with feces and then accused a district attorney and other prominent white men as monsters nearly starting a race war, it’s okay because she was a victim of “unspeakable crimes.” Williams was unable to detail these alleged crimes because they never happened. The only crime in this story is that our media and media whores like Al Sharpton are able to guide the dialogue in this country so totally without regard for the truth.
Next: Framing the Tea Party.

Tea Party Crasher
4. The N-Word on Capitol Hill
MSNBC reported,
Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., told a reporter that as he left the Cannon House Office Building with Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., a leader of the civil rights era, some among the crowd chanted “the N-word, the N-word, 15 times.” Both Carson and Lewis are black, and Lewis spokeswoman Brenda Jones also said that it occurred. “It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis,” said Carson, a large former police officer who said he wasn’t frightened but worried about the 70-year-old Lewis, who is twice his age. “He said it reminded him of another time.”
Joan Walsh at wrote,
The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches. On Saturday, as a small group of protesters jammed the Capitol and the streets around it, the movement’s origins in white resistance to the Civil Rights Movement was impossible to ignore. Here’s only what the mainstream media is reporting, ignoring what I’m seeing on Twitter and left wing blogs:
•Civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis was taunted by tea partiers who chanted “nigger” at least 15 times, according to the Associated Press (we are not cleaning up language and using “the N-word” here because it’s really important to understand what was said.) First reported on The Hill blog (no hotbed of left-wing fervor), the stories of Lewis being called “nigger” were confirmed by Lewis spokeswoman Brenda Jones and Democratic Rep. Andre Carson, who was walking with Lewis. “It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis,” said Carson, a former police officer. “He said it reminded him of another time.”
•Another Congressional Black Caucus leader, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, was spat upon by protesters. The culprit was arrested, but Cleaver declined to press charges
But Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000 to anyone with video evidence of these events. Not surprisingly, none surfaced. There is absolutely no way in this technological climate where ever 8-year-old has an iphone that no one got it on video. But Breitbart did find video on his own that showed the accusers to be liars.

Next: Dan Rather unmasks himself and the mainstream media.

3. Dan Rather Lied, the Mainstream Media Died
Dan Rather and his rabid anti-Bush producer Mary Mapes pulled one of the dumbest (and most entertaining) hoaxes in history. In 2004, the leftist media was desperate to kill George W. Bush’s chances at re-election. John Kerry was a disappointing candidate, to say the least, and Americans connected with Bush on 9/11 in a significant way. With re-election looming, the lefty media took it upon themselves to dig up dirt, even if they had to falsify it. Mary Mapes, 60 Minutes producer, was in contact with Bill Burkett who she admitted knowing was an “anti-Bush zealot.” He provided her with documents he said proved Bush did not live up to National Guard standards or fulfill his duties while serving. Mapes never authenticated the documents and gave them to Rather to run with them.
And run with them he did! Hours after the 60 Minutes episode aired, the blogosphere went crazy tearing apart the documents for the fakes they were. This was the moment the elite media died.
After the broadcast, Mapes and Rather stuck by the story. The CBS defense crumbled when Burkett admitted he had lied about getting the documents from Conn. Instead, he said they were handed off to him by someone anonymously. CBS was forced to disown its story.
Mary Mapes was fired and Dan Rather retired in a cloud of shame.
Now, after extensive additional interviews, I no longer have the confidence in these documents that would allow us to continue vouching for them journalistically. I find we have been misled on the key question of how our source for the documents came into possession of these papers. That, combined with some of the questions that have been raised in public and in the press, leads me to a point where-if I knew then what I know now-I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question.
If Bush had lost that election, I wonder if Rather would have been as sorry.
Next: Playing a new card – the Muslim card.

2. Muslim Hate Hoaxes
Who hasn’t heard of the notorious “backlash” Americans have been unleashing on Muslims since 9/11? We’re to believe that Americans don’t have anything better to do than spray paint hate graffiti on every Muslim business they come across. Intimidation and rudeness sums up what the media thinks Americans are into. But have you ever heard of the fake islamophobia hate hoaxes? I hadn’t. But rest assured if any of these were really true, the leftist media would run 24-hour news cycles to inform us of it. It seems there should be harsher punishments for faking a hate crime considering how much community angst follows.
McALLEN, Tex., Sept. 29 – The owner of a Middle Eastern meat market who had said he was the victim of a hate crime in this border town was arrested and arraigned Tuesday [Sept. 28] on a felony arson charge that he set fire to his own business. The man, Amjad Abunar, had complained that “Go Home” was twice spray-painted on a door of his Al Madinah Market before a fire on Aug. 6 that gutted the small delicatessen. Only last week, the graffiti and fire were cited as evidence by a Washington advocacy group that hate crimes against Muslims were on the rise in Texas. Bond for Mr. Abunar was set at $150,000, and he remained in jail on Wednesday.
KGW (8)’s 11 p.m. news. “The son of a prominent Muslim is told he can’t fly home to Portland and tonight, his family is looking for answers,”…Here’s what actually happened at LAX: Shehab Ahmed did miss one plane home to Portland, but only because he got to the airport late. When he tried to get on another flight, there was a problem—a momentary one. Shehab’s name matched a name on the terror watch list. The ticket agent asked for ID, and Shehab was allowed on the flight to Portland…He was not told he couldn’t fly home; he was allowed on the flight he wanted to be on after providing ID. He wasn’t yanked out line or taken to a special room for questioning by government agents. In fact, government agents—TSA personnel—were not involved in any of this. What happened to Shehab that March day isn’t found in any TSA or FBI report; there was no incident to report.
The story that developed in July [2006] was just too good to pass up: a Jordanian-born restaurant owner in Xenia, Ohio had been the apparent victim of repeated attempts to burn down his store. The day after the third attack, when a Molotov cocktail had been thrown through the front window of his business, yet another explosion rocked the store – the second attack in 24 hours – sending the owner and his son to the hospital with burns over 80-90 percent of their bodies. An employee in an adjoining store was also taken to the hospital for injuries. Just hours before the blast, the store owner had been interviewed by a local TV station vowing that he would never give in to pressure to close the store (video of the interview can be seen here). Arson investigators have determined that the final blast that severely injured the store owner, Musa Shteiwi, and his son, Essa, was set by the pair themselves. In a performance worthy of a Darwin Award, the Shteiwis were standing in a pool of gasoline that they intended to use as an accelerant in setting their store ablaze later that night when Musa Shteiwi took a break and lit up a cigarette, igniting the gasoline prematurely and causing the blast that inflicted their injuries. But there’s more: prosecutors claim that Shteiwi had hired a former employee, Joshua Hunter, to commit the previous attacks against his store that CAIR had insisted were hate crimes committed by non-Muslim members of the Xenia community. Hunter has been jailed and charged with arson, and similar charges against Musa and Essa Shteiwi are pending until after they have recovered from their injuries.
The source link has several more stories and links to other hoaxes. The media and CAIR might want to watch the sanctimonious tone when reporting so-called hate crimes and do a little research before jumping the gun and accusing innocent Americans.
Next: Flyer, flyer on the wall, who’s the biggest cheater of them all?
1. Fake Anti-Muslim Flyer
It’s hard to imagine anyone could be against educating college students about the dangers of radical Islam. Afterall, we know these people exist (well, everyone except Michael Moore) we know they blew up 3000 Americans and are plotting daily to do it again. There is no argument to suggest that these terrorists are of any other religion than Islam. Familiarizing oneself with the tactics of such people would seem a worthwhile endeavor. Not according to leftists, however.
In a stratagem typical of the deceitful smear campaigns the left seems to favor, an obviously fake hate flyer has been posted all over the George Washington University campus with the intention of sabotaging Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week (October 22-26), and smearing its sponsors the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Young America’s Foundation. The flyer, which is headlined “Hate Muslims? So Do We” and masquerades as a publication by GW students now organizing Islamo Fascism Awareness Week activities, is itself a hate crime as well as a forgery. Its authors, cowering behind anonymity, are part of what has become a national movement to attack Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.
It does not seem to matter to leftists that the term “Islamo-Fascism” was first used by Muslims in Algeria. Just the phrase alone makes leftists feel murderous towards those who use it. In an attempt to discredit the Freedom Center and the Young America’s Foundation for being anti-Muslim, the offenders simply made asses of themselves by outing their true tyrannical nature. Instead of challenging the Freedom Center to a debate, they tried to silence them. Leftists are never interested in a fair debate. They only seek to mute the opposition. The same could be said for Islamo-Fascists, only they use bombs instead of hate-literature. Maybe we should start calling our leftists, Lefto-Fascists. Yes, I like that.
Barbarah Ehrenreich took umbridge with the theme of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week disagreeing that the left has ignored the plight of Muslim women.
Before you put on your costumes to celebrate Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week, let me set the record straight. American feminists do not condone, defend, or ignore jihadist misogyny. In fact, we were warning about it well before Washington turned against the Taliban and have been consistently appalled by the gender dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Which American feminists is she talking about? If you do a search on Google for “Feminist Issues” the top concerns that pop up are as follows: affirmative action, disability rights, family law, fighting the Right, global feminism, health, immigration, gender and sexuality issues, pre-teen beauty addicts, mommy issues, transsexual, intergender and transgender definitions, hormones and biology, and abortion rights. I went through more than 5 pages and didn’t find one reference to feminist issues including oppression of Islamic women. Maybe that’s why no one believes you, Barbara, when you claim to be “concerned” about Islamic women.
The “Global feminism” link on the NOW website looked promising, but reading it one could be led to believe that women in Afghanistan are abused and tortured by Buddhist monks as easily as Islamo-Fascists! There is ZERO mention of why they are forced to wear the burqa or why acid is thrown in their faces. It’s Islam, Stupid!
If there is a hell on earth for women and girls, it surely must be found in Afghanistan. Desperate poverty persists and gender-based violence is increasing. Nearly 200 schools have been bombed or set on fire and school girls have had acid thrown in their faces. Illiteracy is over 80 percent among women, and the country has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Many women are still forced to wear the total body cover of the burka and may not leave home without a male escort. There is an epidemic of suicide among young women who set themselves on fire to escape the severe repression and poverty that they face.
They’re not trying to escape poverty, they’re trying to escape Islamo-Fascism! (Unless there are other poverty-stricken populations that wrap their women up in burlap sacks and beat them with sticks that I don’t know about.) By not naming the thing that is causing this treatment of women, feminists like Barbara Ehrenreich are absolutely condoning it. Islam permits this behavior and sanctions it in the name of Sharia Law. Most feminists are scared to fight the real problem because it may make them look like “haters,” or worse, conservatives. It takes way more guts to be a conservative these days (or an honest feminist like Phyllis Chesler) when the left has done such an excellent job re-naming everything, demonizing common-sense and making up fake hate crimes to further their agendas.
But try as they might and weasel as they may, the truth will come out.

One thing is certain. When the race hustlers and “community organizers” get their tighty whitey’s  in a bunch (or crackers-lackers if you’re Jesse Jackson) it’s best to dig a little deeper instead of take their stories of woe at face value. What’s terribly sad about this tactic is that it never brings people together but only deepens the divide and mistrust.  The words “racist,” “sexist,” “islamaphobe,” and “homophobe” are so overused they’ve lost their meaning. Most people are good people, contrary to what the nightly news tells us. Most people don’t have deep-seeded bigotry in their hearts as the hoax-hustlers would have you believe.
The very fact they have to fake their way onto the national stage proves it.

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