Friday, January 14, 2011

'Democracy for America' pushes for Progressive Party. Uses lost seat in senate as their platform.

January 22nd, 2010 10:46 pm ET
By Patricia Walston, Atlanta Faith & Family Examiner

The Hands of God
Photo: The Progressive Movement will be holding what they call a Campaign Academy in major cities throughout America this year in an effort to influence the 2010 elections.
They are saying Kennedy’s seat was lost because American’s felt that the healthcare reform did not go far enough. An e-mail from an organization called “Democracy for America” is circulating in regard to the upset vote that took away the 60 vote majority for the Democrats to be able to push the healthcare reform bill on through even though they lost that vote when Senator-elect Brown won in Massachusetts.
Their tactic seems to be that you take a negative and turn it around as if it were a positive. You can read more about these academies and their teaching methods at this link.  There goes that name of “rule book” again much like Saul Alinsky’s “Rule Book for Radicals.”
There is a deeper movement flowing across America whose agenda is neither Democrat or Republican. It is nothing more than a re-naming of Progressive to Liberal and now back to Progressive? If you are discouraged, remember God told us to not be dismayed. Check out the video at the end of this and you will be encouraged all over again. It is terrific.
While Georgia is more of an Independent/Republican state in some areas, the districts in and around Atlanta have a strong Democratic voice. This was evident in the election just held for Mayor of Atlanta in which Democrat Kasim Reed won over Mary Norwood who claimed to be an Independent; but was widely accused of being a Republican. However, Progressives have their own agenda and have been making noise ever since the 1920’s.
Hillary Clinton was once heard saying that she was more of a Progressive type of candidate. It used to be said that all politics are local; however, now it seems that all the states bunch up at one to help get their party elected more than a good candidate for each state.
What is wrong with this picture? This reminds me of one I saw some years back. There were two dogs fighting over a bone; while the third dog moseys up and steals the bone away.
Has politics become more about who wins all the marbles and bragging rights and not about the wants, needs, and desire of the voting public. This particular organization has heavy advertising in regard to calling all Democrats to stand together and get this bill passed no matter what. But do they care about healthcare or are they looking for the Democrats to further their own cause?
Below is a copy of the e-mail. You read. You decide. Personally, I am always a little leery of any organization that asks for money like it was a matter of life or death. At the end of the e-mail, there is a link to this organization and you can decide if they speak for the Democrats, President Obama; or only for themselves. Note how they offer a sample script for the callers to know what to say. In a Democracy, shouldn’t people be allowed to voice their own opinions? And why do they need to solicit funds for sending out e-mails? And as stated, they are holding classes across the country; and there will be one here in Atlanta in March. See their agenda below.
I am reminded of the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when they kept turning around and asking, “Who are those guys?” This is the e-mail that I received. It seems they see the mess that is going on in Congress as their time to act. They would rather contend with Democrats than conservatives in the Republican Party – as they are at total odds with conservatives. They seem to be playing on those who might be easily led. They also seem to play on the weaknesses of each party for their own agenda. This is probably a group that needs watching; their socialism is showing all around.
Pat -
Democrats in Washington are scrambling to figure out the way forward on healthcare since the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat to a Republican on Tuesday.
We need to act fast and back up our message of the last few days by calling on leaders in Congress to publicly state support for passing bolder healthcare reforms -- including the populist choice of a public option -- using reconciliation which requires only 51 votes in the Senate.
Call the Democrat that represent you (if you have one in your district) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi right now.
Democrats are dangerously close to learning the wrong lessons and repeating the same mistakes they've been making all year. Senators like Joe Lieberman are calling on Congress to do less, drop healthcare, and act like Republican-Lite.
It's time to stop pandering to Joe and listen to the American people instead.
The 2010 Swing Voter -- the Stay-At-Home Base and Obama-Voting Independents -- want more change, not less. That's what our Research 2000 poll of Massachusetts voters taken immediately after polls closed on Tuesday proved.
The poll showed swing voters are against the Senate healthcare bill because it "doesn't go far enough". And over 80% of them want the choice of a public option. Clearly, the first place Democrats can show 2010 swing voters they're listening is by passing healthcare with a public option.
Just since Wednesday, over 200,000 DFA, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and CREDO Action members have signed our petition endorsing this strategy and more are adding their names every minute. We'll deliver these signatures to Democrats in Washington next week, but they need to hear from us today.
Don't let Democrats give up and go back to the party of self-defeat. If America wanted to elect Republican-lite candidates, President Obama would never have won last November on a message of change.
The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NBC, Politico, Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, and others have all reported on our campaign and your work to make it happen. You can be sure Democrats in Washington are hearing you. The question is, are they listening?
It's up to us to make sure they do or our losses on Tuesday will only be the beginning.
Thank you for everything you do.
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America
On their web site, they are offering classes – the ones here in Atlanta will be in March – to teach your how to become a Progressive. That is a term a lot of people are not familiar with and one that has meaning way back since the 1920’s. While they seem to be promoting the Democratic Party; they are really more for their own; which is neither Democrat or Republican. The Progressive Movement is twin to Socialism. 
Ten reasons to attend the DFA Campaign Academy training in Atlanta on March 6th & 7th.
1. Learn how to plan and run a winning grassroots campaign
2. Meet and hear from local progressive candidates
3. Learn from trainers with decades of experience
4. Mingle with other local progressive activists at social events
5. Get a copy of our 180 page Grassroots Campaign Training Manual (Wonder if this is an offshoot of Saul Alinsky’s Book – Rules for Radicals.” This book has been widely used to push socialism using the country’s most vulnerable – the poor, uneducated, and hopeless.)
6. Set goals and make plans to pass progressive legislation
7. Re-connect with old friends from the campaign
8. Help elect progressive candidates in 2010
9. Learn to organize your neighborhood or precinct
10. Find a campaign job or volunteer opportunity
A comment at the bottom of their site
Paid for by Democracy for America and not authorized by any candidate.
Contributions to Democracy for America are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
One thing they did get correct, “That it is time to Act” It is time for conservative Christian citizens to put action to their prayers and stand up for what God has given this great nation.
When we get discouraged and don’t know which way to go or turn and when we don’t know who to believe; we can go back to the One who can make a difference and one who is there and does not have to be elected to fill any agenda or represent any party - because that One can take care of anything with His “One Pair of Hands.” Sung by Carroll Roberson It is time for us to remember that it is not the leader of this or any country we should look to; but the One who created and owns it all.

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