Friday, January 14, 2011

Residents Pack Big Rig Meeting In Bonner

POSTED: 10:26 pm MST January 13, 2011
UPDATED: 10:32 pm MST January 13, 2011
People living east of Missoula packed a Thursday evening meeting on massive shipments of oil equipment that could roll right through their neighborhood.
Bonner is ground zero for both Exxon Mobil and Conoco Philips megaloads.
Four Conoco rigs are scheduled to run through that area on their way from Lewiston, Idaho, to Billings. Another 207 Exxon loads would get to Bonner, then turn north up Highway 200 on their way to oil sands in Canada.
The meeting in Bonner was billed as an information session. Residents got plenty of that, but many already came with their minds made up on how they feel about the rigs.
Upwards of 70 people packed St. Ann Church in Bonner to get information on potential big rigs moving through their town. For many it wasn't anything they wanted to hear.
"People can't believe what they are hearing in there," said Zach Porter, a member of All Against the Haul.
The event was hosted by Friends of 2 Rivers, a local environmental group. The group invited three panelists - an economist, a lawyer and a business owner - to tell all sides of the big rig issue.
"I think people are gasping at what is being proposed for their back yard," said Porter.
No one from Exxon Mobile, Conoco Philips or the Montana Department of Transportation showed up for the meeting.
Judy Matson of Friends of 2 Rivers admits she thinks the big rigs are coming, despite any legal issues Montana and Idaho may be sorting out. "It's going to happen," she said.
Her group thinks more studying needs to be done on the environmental impacts the rigs may have.
"Until we know those things, I don't think we have our position outlines, we just don't know," said Matson.
Some of the facts surrounding the big rig shipments:
- The trucks are massive, they measure 30 by 210 feet and weigh 330 tons.
- For the rigs to make it through, some power lines and street lights will have to be moved, and highway turnouts would also have to be widened.
- The loads would travel mostly at night, and pull off regularly for cars to pass.
Friends of 2 Rivers has another informational meeting scheduled for March.

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