Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Union Civility: Eyewitness to Boston thuggery; Plus: Die, elderly Tea Partiers, die!

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 24, 2011 01:08 PM

Tea Party senior citizens: Menaces to society!
A supporter of Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker in Boston wrote me last night to recount the violence that took place at the Tuesday union rally where Democrat Rep. Michael Capuano told his minions to “get a little bloody.” The tipster is remaining anonymous for now while police investigate the targeting of an elderly, flag-waving counter-protester.
As the witness told me, “It was worse than you and what the media portrayed it as…as usual!!”
The MSM may be AWOL. But the truth will out:
Hi Michelle,
After reading your column in the “Boston Herald” newspaper this morning and seeing you on Fox and Friends, I had to give you a little more inside information about that “solidarity protest” outside the Mass. Statehouse, Tuesday.
My girlfriend and I were there as supporters for Gov. Walker, I am 55 yrs. old and have been to many, many protests in the last 3 years from Washington, D,C. several times, to many town-halls all around my state, and I dare say that this was the scariest one I have ever been to. I also dare say for the first time in all my life, I was actually ashamed to be an Irish-American. Most of the thugs that were protesting against Walker were Irish-American thugs, it reminded me of the movies “The Departed” or right out of the pages of “The Godfather”, and “Hoffa.”
The men were huge and screaming into the faces of anyone, I mean anyone they thought were against the unions. Most of the Gov. Walker supporters were 45-65 yrs. old.
With all that being said, to the point now, I witnessed a man about 45-50 or so and an elderly man pushed against a granite-wall statue where all these thugs had climbed on to scream out of control words that would put your ears on fire. They pushed and shoved until he fell on the ice, screaming the whole time to get the “F**K”out of here, they took the elderly man, pushing and shoving him, taking his flag and breaking it up..I heard the younger man say he was reporting this to the police, so I followed with my eyes, and could see from body language it was not going well for him with the police officer, I was so mad, I walked over and over heard him say to the man, “well that is not the story we heard”, I walked over them and said to the policeman, my girlfriend and I witnessed the whole incident and those two thugs went after those men and hurt them. Needless to say I am now witness to this if it proceeds to court. I am scared of repercussions from these thugs, but I will do my part for those two men who were brutally accosted by those “union thugs”.
This protest was not just a “figurative…”get bloody” it was actually done. Again it was the scariest protest I have ever been to. It was worse than you know and what the media portrayed it as….as usual!!
Thank you for listening, Michelle.

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