Friday, February 17, 2012

American Communism and Anticommunism:

Compiled and edited by John Earl Haynes

Last Revised 18 February 2009

How to Use this Bibliography

Subject Matter Chapters and the Table of Contents

This bibliography is divided into thirty-three subject matter chapters with each chapter divided into numerous sections and subsections, all listed below in the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents is in two versions: “Table of Contents – Chapter Titles Only,” with the thirty-three subject matter chapter titles only and another, “Table of Contents - Chapter Titles with Sections and Subsections” which lists the numerous sections and subsections as well.

A book or essay is listed under a particular heading in accordance with a judgment of where the work’s chief focus is or, in the case of items whose focus is elsewhere, where its chief relevance is to the field of domestic communism and anticommunism. Many books could be placed under a dozen, a score, or even more headings. But such a practice, or even attempting cross-referencing, would produce an unwieldy volume. And, in any event, with more than 9,000 main entries cross-referencing would have been an impractical undertaking for the single historian without staff or assistance who compiled this volume as an ancillary product of other work. Given the absence of cross-referencing, however, users should keep in mind the advisability of examining more than a single subject-matter heading.

Table of Content Hyperlinks

The chapter titles and subsection titles are hyperlinked. Clicking on the chapter titles in the first Table of Contents – Chapter Titles Only listing only the thirty-three subject matter chapter titles, will jump to the more detailed second Table of Contents - Chapter Titles with Sections and Subsections with sections and subsections. All of these are also hyperlinked and will jump to the appropriate section of the bibliography itself.

Web Browser “Find” Function

Users may also use the “find” function of one’s web browser to access any portion of the bibliography. Insert in the “find” window the chapter or subchapter title from the Table of Contents. Alternately, insert in the “find” window an author’s name or any term that might occur in a citation from the title of the work sought

Corrections and Additions

It is easy for a citation to The Journal of Southern History to become The Journal of Social History and even easier for “1978” to become “1987.” Consequently, corrections to the errors in this bibliography are very welcome. Nor has every essay or book that ought to be cited been included, and additions are equally sought. Both corrections and additions can be sent to <>.


Over the years many scholars have provided me with citations that are incorporated in this bibliography. Given that these were accumulated over several decades I can no longer individually remember all those who deserve acknowledgement, but I thank all of them for their contribution. Specifically, however, I must note that since 2002 Peter Filardo’s annual bibliographies in American Communist History have been of inestimable value.


A portion of the entries are annotated. The existence of an annotation reflects the needs and circumstances of when the item first came to the author’s attention. Some annotations simply explain the contents with more detail when the title of the work does not clearly signal what the item is about. Other annotations, particularly collections of essays, include the table of contents of the work. Still others summarize the author’s view of the most significant points in the work or the author’s judgment of its importance, evaluations with which others may disagree.

-Chapter Titles Only-

Table of Contents
-Chapter Titles with Sections and Subsections-


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