Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Important Books - Feminism Books

Spin Sisters : How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism - to the Women of America
By Myrna Blyth

The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom
By Phyllis Chesler

The Failure of Feminism
By Nicholas Davidson

The Tyranny of Tolerance: A Sitting Judge Breaks the Code of Silence to Expose the Liberal Judicial Assault
By Robert H. Dierker

Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap -- and What Women Can Do About It
By Warren Farrell

Women's Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America
By Dana Furchtgott-Roth et al.

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men
By Christina Hoff-Sommers

Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women
By Christina Hoff-Sommers

Betty Friedan and the Making of "The Feminine Mystique": The American Left, the Cold War, and Modern Feminism
By Daniel Horowitz

Women Who Make the World Worse: And How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, and Sports
By Kate O'Beirne

Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women's Studies
by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge

Taking Sex Differences Seriously
Stephen Rhoads

The Flip Side of Feminism
By Phyllis Schlaffley

A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue
By Wendy Shalit

7 Myths of Working Mothers: Why Children and (Most) Careers Just Don't Mix
By Suzanne Venker

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