Thursday, October 2, 2014



Welcome to the October 2014 edition of SOTA News. My thanks go to the following contributors:- Barry GM4TOE, Skip K6GDW, Allen VK3HRA, Dennis ZS4BS Mark G0VOF, Kevin G0NUP, Rob and Audrey G4RQJ,

To date it has been difficult to assess the size of the regular audience to SOTA News. The only feedback available has been when a handful of readers posted a comment on a particular item in the news (more if I made an error!) but, in general, most were content to read the news and go away satisfied. If asked, my own estimate of the size of the readership would have been around the 100-200 mark, based on the number of regular activators and chasers who appear on the reflector.
This all changed last month with the introduction of the new Reflector. Now we have access to statistics which show that the September SOTA News was viewed more than 1000 times - and many readers even took the time to award us with a "liked this post" badge! (Much appreciated)
The main accolade for this success must go to our loyal band of regular contributors listed above, who take the time to update readers of SOTA activity in their part of the world or their particular interest. It is not easy to submit a regular monthly input, but without contributors there would be no SOTA News. They do not now have to wonder if anyone reads their input anymore - they now know that their contribution is read by almost 1000 readers monthly, which should serve to both encourage and demonstrate to them that they really are appreciated.
I took over the position of SOTA News Editor in March 2008 and have held the post for the past six and a half years. During this time I have seen SOTA News increase from just a few pages to the position today when we have input from individuals and associations from all parts of the globe, with each edition running to many thousands of words and a consequential increase in editorial time.
I am therefore pleased to announce that Mark, G0VOF has volunteered to join the SOTA News editorial team as picture editor, so relieving me of the additional task of processing any incoming reports containing photo's and inserting them into the SOTA News. Thank you Mark - your offer is particularly appreciated and most welcome at this time.
SOTA News Editor

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