Thursday, August 17, 2023

How Economic Witch Doctors Convince Everyone They’re Neurosurgeons - LewRockwell

How Economic Witch Doctors Convince Everyone They’re Neurosurgeons - LewRockwell: International Man: The average person doesn’t care about economics. But to the extent that he does, he only reads mainstream publications like The Economist and editorials in The New York Times. In these publications, the average person will find so-called economists advocating upside-down and destructive concepts like negative interest rates, banning cash, debt-fueled consumption, government spending, and rampant money printing as the cures to economic ailments. And if those methods don’t work—or inflict damage—the establishment economists’ response is to simply call for more money printing, more debt, and even lower interest rates. What’s your take on conventional economic thinking and methods? Doug Casey: … Continue reading →

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