Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shock: Muslim Brotherhood Officially Declares War on the U.S. Despite Obama Administration’s Appeasement

Posted By Diane Suffern On October 15, 2010 @ 9:00 am

In a recent article for Town Hall, Frank Gaffney exposed President Obama’s accommodation of the Muslim Brotherhood, identifying seven areas where the administration had complied with the organization’s chief objectives. Considering the group’s overall aim is to wage “a kind of grand jihad eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions,” it stands to reason that any compliance is de facto submission to the enemy.

The Muslim Brotherhood has engaged in subversive warfare against Israel and the West from it’s very inception. It has served as both an ideological outpost and a covert supporter of violent splinter groups, including (though not limited to) al-Qaida and Hamas. Muhammad Badi’, the recently-elected General Guide of the group, has affirmed his support for Palestinian resistance to Zionist “oppression” and made no attempt to disguise his disdain for the United States and its interests. And now? The declaration of war against Israel and the West is official.

Barry Rubin, at the center for Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA Center), wrote an enlightening piece explaining how this declaration differs from those of the past, and why the West must take action. The move from ideology to mobilization is cause for alarm, according to Rubin:

Does that mean the Egyptian, Jordanian, and all the camouflaged Muslim Brotherhood fronts in Europe and North America are going to launch terrorism as one of their affiliates, Hamas, has long done? No.

But it does mean that something awaited for decades has happened: the Muslim Brotherhood is ready to move from the era of propaganda and base-building to one of revolutionary action. At least, its hundreds of thousands of followers are being given that signal. Some of them will engage in terrorist violence as individuals or forming splinter groups; others will redouble their efforts to seize control of their countries and turn them into safe areas for terrorists and instruments for war on the West.

When the extreme and arguably marginal British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary says that Islam will conquer the West and raise its flag over the White House, that can be treated as wild rhetoric. His remark is getting lots of attention because he said it in English in an interview with CNN. Who cares what he says?

But when the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood says the same thing in Arabic, that’s a program for action, a call to arms for hundreds of thousands of people, and a national security threat to every Western country. (Emphasis mine.)

Rubin helps to distill the declaration into key requirements for Muslims worldwide:

–Arab and Muslim regimes are betraying their people by failing to confront the Muslim’s real enemies, not only Israel but also the United States. Waging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded. Governments have no right to stop their people from fighting the United States. “They are disregarding Allah’s commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah’s word will reign supreme” over all non-Muslims.

–All Muslims are required by their religion to fight: “They crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.” Notice that jihad here is not interpreted as so often happens by liars, apologists, and the merely ignorant in the West as spiritual striving. The clear meaning is one of armed struggle.

–The United States is immoral, doomed to collapse, and “experiencing the beginning of its end and is heading towards its demise.”

–Palestinians should back Hamas in overthrowing the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and unite in waging war on Israel.

To summarize: the organization we’ve been accommodating—to the point of considering it a moderate voice in the Islamic world—has now declared war on us directly. Will Obama call on Dalia Mogahed, Muslim advisor to the White House and vocal advocate of CAIR and ISNA (both with ties to the MB), to denounce the Brotherhood? Will Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the founder of the organization and recipient of a recent Hillary Clinton-approved travel visa, postpone his Islam-is-the-new-Black lecture tour to declare his rejection of the group? I won’t hold my breath. If Obama’s acquiescent posture is any indication of future events, the West won’t sleep; rather, it will clear the way, waving palm branches.

But pessimism should never lead to apathy. Every declaration of war should be taken seriously. We should never underestimate the threat, even as the current administration is intent on offering the enemy “comfort” in the form of conciliation. Despite Obama’s overtures, the Muslim Brotherhood has a specific vision of our future. As expressed by its Guide:

The Soviet Union fell dramatically, but the factors that will lead to the collapse of the U.S. are much more powerful than those that led to the collapse of the Soviet empire – for a nation that does not champion moral and human values cannot lead humanity, and its wealth will not avail it once Allah has had His say, as happened with [powerful] nations in the past. The U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise…

Is it? Will we let it?


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