Monday, November 8, 2010

Apocalypse Denial Now: A Week of Islam in the News

November 08, 2010
By Stella Paul

Just for laughs, I collected a week of headlines about Islam around the globe. (Admittedly, the laughs are heavy on black humor.) The week I randomly chose began on October 4, 2010 and turned out to be the typical apocalyptic nightmare that most weeks are now, in this golden age of hope and change.

Last Monday kicked off with a terror scare across all of Europe -- a super-duper mega-scare that we've already utterly forgotten. Once upon a time, a headline like, "Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace among terror targets" might have managed to make an impression that lasted longer than three days; now, we shrug and philosophically move on to exploding planes from Yemen.

As the week progressed (hmm..."progressed" doesn't seem quite the right word), Geert Wilders went on trial in Amsterdam for hate speech against Muslims, the Times Square bomber ranted jihadi threats in New York as he was sentenced to life, a British hostage was killed in Afghanistan during a NATO rescue attempt, and a Seattle cartoonist scurried underground in fear of her life. And the week was just getting warmed up.

Reading the headlines as a sort of surreal poem, I'm staggered by the global reach of Islamic aggression. All of Europe trembles in its grip; across America, Atlanta bus stations and Amtrak train lines shiver with vulnerability; in Africa, murdered Christians fall in bloody heaps to the ground; in Canada, Russia, Indonesia, and the Maldives, turmoil and trouble abound; and the entire Middle East reeks of carnage.

The Islamists' movement is tiny, almost undetectable -- a house in Iceland is purchased for a mosque -- and also unimaginably epic -- Iran readies its nuclear bomb.

Striking, too, is the feckless buffoonery of the Western response. Look at these headlines and savor the marvelous displays of cowardice, confusion, and outright collaboration which is mostly what we've managed to summon up so far.

From British television churning out Taliban propaganda by helpfully "imagining" Prince Harry as a kidnap victim to the knock-kneed Washington Post pulling a cartoon that doesn't even show Mohammed, the media spent the week proudly polishing its Best Dhimmi prizes.

And you don't have to be a lawyer to see the aging transvestite the Western legal system has become: pretending to be Lady Justice while stomping to dust the few brave truth-tellers in Europe and French-kissing the terrorists in Guantánamo.

As for the giants of our age, check out their marquee appearances and wonder not why we're in such a perverse pickle. It was a week that saw the former German youth leader and current pope cozy up to the Islamist Nazi Ahmadinejad; a former American president unleash clever sophistry to help ram through the Ground Zero Mosque; and a former British prime minister, whose sister-in-law just converted to Islam, wanly whine that we're being outmaneuvered by radical Muslims. Yeah, you got that right, pal.

What gets my vote for most important story of the week? Oddly, it never made it into a newspaper. I found it on Creeping Shariah, a website that uncovers the silent slither of Western accommodation with Islamic barbarity: "Ogilvy & Mather keynoting Muslim consumer conference with unindicted co-conspirator Islamic Society of North America." Yes, our corporations and advertising agencies are now married to jihad fanatics. What could go wrong?

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your strongest nausea medicine and start reading.


5 EU Airports Targeted for ‘Commando-Like Attack'
Drudge Report
‘Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace among terror targets'
Jerusalem Post
German-based cell in latest European jihad plot recruited from same Hamburg mosque where 9/11 plotters met
Jihad Watch
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings
Fox News
Ground Zero Mosque: Our family has received death threats, says wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
New York Daily News
Hundreds of activists from Muslim countries planning new Gaza-bound flotilla
Pakistani woman killed in Italy over arranged marriage
Telegraph [U.K.]

The British Muslim schools where EVERY pupil is forced to wear the veil - and Ofsted inspectors have approved them
Daily Mail, UK

Child Bride Horrors Last a Lifetime

Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges


Muslim Cleric: ‘The Flag of Islam Will One Day Fly Over the White House'
A nation of immigrants must include Muslims
Boston Globe
U.S. Plans Law Enforcement 'Surge' On Trains
Stepped-Up Security on Amtrak Trains; 11 Suspects Arrested in France
ABC News
A U.S. Cartoonist in Hiding: The Molly Norris Precedent
Scripps Howard News Service
Mayor Bloomberg begs Ground Zero responders to take 9/11 settlement
New York Daily News
New Jersey Muslim who worked in nuke plants spoke openly of jihad warfare
Jihad Watch
Campbell's Soup goes halal with approval from Hamas-linked ISNA
Jihad Watch
US Textbooks: Muslims Discovered America

British terror suspect 'was head of The Islamic Army of Great Britain'
Telegraph [U.K.]

Religious intolerance rising among Indonesian Muslims


US could absorb a terror attack and bounce back: official
Times Square bomber's vile rant as he gets life in jail
New York Post

(Bill) Clinton: Mosque Should Be Dedicated To Muslims Killed On 9-11
First civilian trial of a Guantanamo Bay detainee halted
Guardian UK
Wilders's Anti - Islam Film Screened In Dutch Court
Man appeals 'jihad book' conviction
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Muslims Force Expat Christian Teacher to Flee Maldives
Channel 4 to show drama imagining Prince Harry's capture by Taliban
Telegraph UK
Iran says ‘western plot' to blame for computer worm
Jerusalem Post


Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain
The West is being 'outmanoeuvred' by violent Islamist extremists: Tony Blair
Telegraph, UK
Ground Zero Mosque Developers: Fox News is "Hypocritical," Has Ties to "Truthers"
CAIR, Academic Scheme to Inflate Book Sales
IPT News (Investigative Project on Terrorism)

'Why would we walk on eggshells when it comes to Islam or the Prophet?'
National Post, Canada

(London) Tube driver ‘planned to take part in jihad'
Times of Malta
Real Estate Collapse Spells Havoc in Dubai
New York Times
Turkey's Protestants complain of state discrimination
Agence France-Presse
Saudis arrest Filipino Catholics at mass-report
Agence France-Presse
Iran president thanks Pope for condemning Koran threat
Year After Obama Won Nobel, World Looks for Signs of Peace
Increased Fighting in Afghanistan, Stalled Negotiations in Middle East
Top House Dem warns U.S. 'unprepared' for dirty-bomb attack
The Hill
Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America; Will America Notice?
The Rubin Report
Hamas Fundraising in Orlando Mosque
Ogilvy & Mather keynoting Muslim (consumer) conference with unindicted co-conspirator ISNA
Creeping Shariah
U.S. Embassy sponsors Irish Muslim business conference
Imam calls for Sharia Law in all business dealings
'Women Unfit to Lead' Says Acehnese District Council Chairman
Jakarta Globe

U.S. giving away too much, too early in Mideast peace talks, some say
Los Angeles Times
Far-right Belgian could face massive fine for Mecca slur
Dutch deliver banned nuclear equipment to Iranian group
Jerusalem Post


US Army Gen. Petraeus to Pakistan: Stop collaborating with Taliban
New York Daily News
Washington Calls on Americans to Avoid Traveling to Lebanon
Counter-terror Operation Targets Bus Station
WSBTV - Atlanta, Georgia
Bill Maher Applauds Osama Bin Laden for His Stance on Global Warming
DOJ drops charges against bin Laden brother-in-law as requested by CAIR
Creeping Shariah, via
Dearborn schools settle with coach who claimed he lost his job over Christian beliefs
Kidnapped Aid Worker Killed In Rescue Attempt

A NATO raid to rescue Linda Norgrove, a British woman taken hostage in Afghanistan last month, ends in tragedy.
AOL News

How radical Islam seduced the academics
The Guardian, UK

Two women caned by sharia police for selling rice during Ramadan
(Indonesia) Newsrealblog


Washington Post bows to Islamic violent intimidation, pulls cartoon that mentions Muhammad but doesn't even depict him
Jihad Watch

School system to get Muslim holiday
Boston Globe

Torture victims sue Obama administration over ‘Kafkaesque nightmare'
McClatchy Newspapers

Afghanistan must embrace women's rights
Laura Bush, Washington Post

Iraqi Christians fear escalating persecution as US forces withdraw
Deutsche Welle

Muslim militia attacks Ethiopian Christians
One News Now

State leader wants Germany to close doors to Muslim immigrants
Deutsche Welle

How Moscow's War on Islamist Revels is Backfiring

Chicken McHalal: McDonald's denied using halal it admits meat IS in one of its most popular meals
Daily Mail, UK

House purchased for private Reyjkavik mosque

Page Printed from: at November 08, 2010 - 12:28:58 PM CST

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