Monday, November 15, 2010

Groups Funded by Soros Network Back Soros

Posted By Ken Larrey On November 13, 2010 @ 10:07 am

The Soros-funded Media Matters and the Soros-funded Jewish Funds for Justice [1] (JFSJ) social justice group [2] have both mysteriously sided with George Soros and denounced Glenn Beck’s unique brand of pro-Israel anti-Semitism in his “The Puppet Master” expose. Incidentally, The Shefa Fund, which merged into JFSJ, was as critical of Israel [3] as Beck has been supportive. On Thursday JFSJ President and CEO Simon Greer published a letter [4] on the group’s website aggressively denouncing Beck. On Friday, Greer went on MSNBC for some more denouncing [5].

What Greer left out of his letter and what both Greer and Olbermann omitted was that the group Greer leads has received at least $350,000 from Soros’ Open Society Institute in the last two years – $150,000 in 2009 [6] and $200,000 in 2010 [7]. Like a lot of “social justice” organizations, and/or progressive astroturfing outfits, Jewish Funds for Justice lists among its activities “investing in low-income communities and grassroots organizations,” “organizing” and “congregation based community organizing [8],” “advocacy,” and “a social change strategy [1] developed by Saul Alinsky [9].” Also among the principles that JFSJ promotes are economic radicalism [10] and wealth redistribution.

I’ve followed Media Matters’ frantic efforts this week to explain how Soros didn’t say or write the things that Soros has said and has written, all the while hurling accusations of bigotry at Beck. One thing MMFA hasn’t gotten around to explaining is this statement [11]:

It was actually, probably the happiest year of my life - that year of German occupation. For me it was a very positive experience. It’s a strange thing, because you see incredible suffering all around you, and in fact, you are in considerable danger yourself. But you’re fourteen years old and you don’t believe that it can actually touch you. You have a belief in yourself, you have a belief in your father. It’s a very happy making exhilarating experience.

That was the year in which Soros “helped [12] in the confiscation of property from the Jews” according to Soros. I’m sure MMFA will give that one a shot sooner or later.

I also must say I’m rather looking forward to the Chamber of Commerce’s report [13] on Soros. Will the entire Chamber of Commerce also be condemned as anti-Semitic if they deign to repeat what Soros has said about himself?


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URLs in this post:

[1] Jewish Funds for Justice:

[2] social justice group:

[3] critical of Israel:

[4] published a letter:

[5] denouncing:

[6] $150,000 in 2009:

[7] $200,000 in 2010:

[8] congregation based community organizing:

[9] Saul Alinsky:

[10] economic radicalism:

[11] statement:

[12] helped:

[13] Chamber of Commerce’s report:

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