Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lebanon sources: Hezbollah planning coup if charged in Hariri murder

Hezbollah chief last week urged Lebanon to halt its cooperation with the inquiry into the 2005 assassination and accused investigators of sending information to Israel.

By Haaretz Service

Hezbollah is planning to seize control of the Lebanese government if charged by International Court of Justice over the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, security sources in Lebanon said on Tuesday.

Israel Radio quoted sources who told the A-Sharq al-Awsat daily that Hezbollah, the Amal faction and other pro-Syrian elements were coordinating a coup of Beirut and southern Lebanon, which they planned to split amongst themselves.

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah speaks during a press conference.

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah last week urged Lebanon to halt its cooperation with the inquiry into the 2005 assassination and accused its investigators of sending information to Israel, the latest escalation in a war of words over the inquiry which threatens to plunge the country into more turmoil.

Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran and Syria, stepped up its campaign against the tribunal after reports emerged in recent months that the court's prosecutor may indict members of the group sometime in the next few months.

"Any call to boycott the tribunal is an attempt to obstruct justice," a representative of the tribunal said. "The Special Tribunal for Lebanon will continue to rely on the full cooperation of the Lebanese government and the international community, according to its statute."

Nasrallah's remarks came after two international investigators were forced by a crowd of women to leave a doctor's clinic in southern Beirut, a bastion of Hezbollah, where they had made an appointment to review files.

The tribunal condemned what it called an "attack on its staff" and said it would not be deterred from its investigation.

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