Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama’s Childhood Keeps Getting Weirder and Weirder

Posted By M. Catharine Evans On November 10, 2010 @ 9:00 am

President Obama dedicated his book Dreams From My Father to a man who abandoned him. Barack Obama Sr., a Harvard-educated Kenyan economist, held many of the same ideological prejudices as his son. An alcoholic womanizer he was also described as ‘self-involved and egotistical.”

From Investor’s Business Daily:
Obama Sr. described his own economic plan, his counterproposal, as it were, as “scientific socialism — inter alia — communism.” Yes, Obama’s father was a communist who wanted to put socialist theory into action — by “force.”

He trusted the collective over the individual, a theme he successfully instilled in his son, also Harvard-educated, with whom he visited once for a full month in Hawaii, even speaking to his prep school class. He kept up correspondence with his son through his college years.

Then there was his flower-child, “free spirited“, socialist leaning mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who left Hawaii to marry little Barry’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, a Muslim Indonesian. Obama Jr. moved from Hawaii to Indonesia at the age of 6, attending a Catholic school and an elite primary institution until the age of 10 when his mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents.

He attended the exclusive Punahou school in Honolulu at the same time being mentored at home by his grandfather’s friend, the communist and sexual pervert, Frank Marshall Davis, whom the younger Obama refers to as “Frank’ in his autobiography.

Now, with a blast from his past in Jakarta, a NYT article on Monday adds a gay transvestite, volleyball-playing nanny to Barry’s dysfunctional cast of childhood caretakers.

His nanny was an openly gay man who, in keeping with Indonesia’s relaxed attitudes toward homosexuality, carried on an affair with a local butcher, longtime residents said. The nanny later joined a group of transvestites called Fantastic Dolls, who, like the many transvestites who remain fixtures of Jakarta’s streetscape, entertained people by dancing and playing volleyball.

In an interview with a childhood acquaintance, the NYT story highlights another curious anecdote that portends the youngster’s future rise to power. The tale seems bizarre given that little Barry must have been 8 or 9 at the time. Was he being schooled early on by his mother in the ways of socialist rulers?

From NYT:

One time, recalled …Slamet Januadi, now 52, Mr. Obama asked a group of boys whether they wanted to grow up to be president, a soldier or a businessman. A president would own nothing while a soldier would possess weapons and a businessmen would have money, the young Obama explained.

Mr. Januadi and his younger brother, both of whom later joined the Indonesian military, said they wanted to become soldiers. Another boy, a future banker, said he would become a businessman.

Barry said he would become president and order the soldier to guard him and the businessman to use his money to build him something,” Mr. Januadi said. “We told him, ‘You cheated. You didn’t give us those details.’ ”

If accurate, the exchange between Barry and his friends may suggest that the future president parroted the adults around him from a very early age. The proverbial apple never fell far from the family tree.

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