Monday, November 15, 2010

Young American Communist Applauds French Unrest

Posted on November 15, 2010 at 8:34am
by Jonathon M. Seidl

Meet Jen Waller of the International Action Center (IAC). On October 22, she spoke at the Workers World Forum about the increasing French unrest. But she wasn’t concerned — rather, she was applauding it (literally).

As you’ll hear and see, she’s a big fan of unions, the protests of that country’s workers against austerity measures such as raising the retirement age, and the effects of those protests.

First, some quick background. IAC bills itself as and “anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist organization“ that wants to ”build a progressive movement for social justice and change.” Workers World is an overtly communist group that asks “Can’t we radically restructure the economy and put billions into solving basic human needs?”

Here‘s Waller’s description of the French unrest:

So people are really angry in France that they, um, are being asked to work longer in their lives, um, while banks are getting bailed out and while the rich people are, um, getting tax rebates. And um, it’s being linked to the larger issues of, um, neo-liberal corporate policies in the government, um, that make the workers pay and allow the rich to get richer.

Her later details of the number of protests were met by an applause. Trevor Loudon over at NZPatriot asks, “US Communists cheer on French protesters — a warning of things to come in America?”:

And in case you were confused at all about Workers World’s goal, it held a conference this last weekend to let you know.

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