The Bulgarian Socialist Workers' Union in America (BSRSA)
[affiliate of the Socialist Labor Party]
The Socialist Labor Party had four language federations in the late 1910s and early 1920s. The Party's Bulgarian Federation, the B"lgarskiia Sotsialistcheski Rabotnicheski S"iuz" v" Amerika (BSRSA), was the second largest of these, with 478 paid members in 1923 -- a number which represented nearly 20% of the ranks of the entire organization.
The SLP's Bulgarian Federation published a weekly newspaper called Rabotnicheska Prosveta [Workers' Enlightenment], a apeper which had a press run of slightly over 2,000 copies and an average paid subscription of just over 1,500 in 1922 and just over 1,750 in 1923. The Federation also published an annual Almanac and translations of pamphlets by Daniel DeLeon and others in translation.
Federation officials noticed a migration of members expelled and leaving the organization to the Workers Party of America in the early 1920s -- a group with which the SLP Federation saw itself in direct competition.
Secretary-Treasurer of the Bulgarian Federation was Theodore Baeff.
[fn: 16th National Convention, Socialist Labor Party, May 10-13, 1924: Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Platform, Etc., pp. 85-87.]
The 8th Convention of the Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation was attended by 36 delegates, representing 23 branches in 9 states. It was also attended by fraternal delegates J.D. Goerke, representing the SLP, and A.S. Carm, representing the WIIU.
8. 8th Annual Convention --- Chicago, IL --- Dec. 24-27, 1921.
Theodore Baeff, the National Secretary of the Federation reported the membership at 799, a decline from the previous year. The Federation's organ was said to have 2,627 subscribers. During the year the pamphlets "May Day," DeLeon's "Two Pages from Roman History," "Unity," and "15 Questions" had been translated into Bulgarian.
Theodore Baeff was re-elected as National Secretary and S.S. Saralieff as Editor for the Federation.
The following were elected as the Federation Executive Committee by the convention: D. Anatasoff (Chicago, IL), D. Angeleff (Toledo, OH), K. Baskaloff (Pontiac, MI), S.S. Dickoff (Madison, IL), D.D. Dobreff (Cleveland, OH), T. Rohleff (West Frankfort, IL).
Publications of the BSRSA
According to the Bulgarian Federation's 1928 & 1935 yearbooks, the Federation published the following books in print at its Granite City, Illinois publishing house:
G. Bakalov: Velikani na mis"l'ta i na delot.
Gustav Bang: Krizite v" Evropeiskata Istoriia [Crises in European History] [1925]
D. Blagoev: K"m" Marksizma.
Vil. Blos: Veikata Frenska Revoliutsiia [The Great French Revolution].
N.G. Chernyshevsky: Kakvo da se pravi (roman").
Charles Darwin: Proizkhoda na Choveka.
Eugene V. Debs: Industrialen" Iunionizm" [Industrial Unionism].
Daniel DeLeon: Dve Stranitsi iz" Rimskata Istoriia [Two Pages from Roman History].
Daniel DeLeon: Edinstvo [Unity].
Daniel DeLeon: Individualizm" i Sotsializm" [Individualism and Socialism].
Daniel DeLeon: Industrializm" [Industrialism].
Daniel DeLeon: Petnadecet' V"prosi [15 Questions]. hc/pap
Daniel DeLeon: Politicheskata Aktsiia [Political Action].
Daniel DeLeon: Printsipite na Indus. Organizatsiia [Principles of Industrial Organization].
Daniel DeLeon: Parlivia V"pros" na Treidiunionizma. [The Burning Question of Trades Unionism]
Daniel DeLeon: Provles"tsi ot" Amsterdamskiia Kongres" [Flashlights of the Amesterdam Congress]. [1926]
Daniel DeLeon: Reforma ili Revoliutsiia [Reform or Revolution].
Daniel DeLeon: Sotsializm" i Anarkhizm" [Socialism and Anarchism].
Daniel DeLeon: Sotsializm" i Iezuitizm" [Socialism and Jesuitism].
Daniel DeLeon: Znachenieto na Stachkata. [What Means This Strike]
Frederick Engels: Anti Diuring" [Anti-Dühring].
Frederick Engels: Liudvig Foierbakh" [Ludwig Feuerbach].
Frederick Engels: Proizkhoda na Semeistvoto, Chatnata Sobstvennost' i D"rzhavata.
Frederick Engels: Razvitie na Nauchniia Sotsializm" [The Development of Scientific Socialism].
Frederick Engels: Revoliutsionniia Akt" [The Revolutionary Act].
Frederick Engels: Spravedliva Nadnitsa.
A. Gastev: Khimni na Truda (stikhove v" proza).
Maxim Gorky: Moite Interviuta (ocherki).
Maxim Gorky: V" Amerika (ocherki). [In America (sketches)].
Maxim Gorky: [?]aika (roman").
T.J. Holmes: Sotsializm" [Socialism].
Olive M. Johnson: Zenata i Sots. Dvizhenie [Women and the Socialist Movement].
Richard Kepel: Izgubeniiat" (piesa).
Richard Kepel: Kriat" na Tegloto (piesa).
Richard Kepel: Piianitsata (piesa).
Richard Kepel: Zhelezniia Kr"st".
Ed. Klod: Istoriia na p"rvobirniia chovek".
L. Kshevitski: Proizkhod" i razpros. na idente.
Paul Lafargue: Ekonomicheska Evoliutsiia [Economic Evolution].
Ferdinand Lassalle: Szhshchnost'ta na Konstitutsiiata.
N. Lenin: S"vetite na Rabota.
Karl Marx: Gotskata Programa [The Gotha Program].
Karl Marx: Naemen" Trud" i Kapital" [Wage-Labor and Capital].
Karl Marx & Frederick Engels: Komunisticheskiia Manifest" [The Communist Manifesto].
Franz Mehring: Istoricheskiia Materializm" [Historical Materialism].
Anton Panekoek: Marksizm" i Darvinizm" [Marxism and Darwinism].
V. Pelagich: Razszhzhdenie na Chistiia Razum".
Arnold Petersen: Marksizm" i Anti-Marksizm" [Marxism and Anti-Marxism].
G. Plekhanov: Monistich. v"zgrl. v"rkhu istoriiata [The Monist View of History].
G. Plekhanov: Religiata [On Religion].
Boris Reinstein: P"rvi Mai i Amerikan. Leib"r" Dei [May Day and American Labor Day].
SLP: Amerikanskata Revoliutsiia (1776-1926). [The American Revolution (1776-1926)].
SLP: Kakvo Predstoi na Amer. Rab. Klasa.
SLP: Koi szh Falshifikatorite. [Who Are the Falsifiers?]
SLP: S"bitiiata i Nasheto Stanovishche.
SLP: Sots. Rab. Partiia i Tretiia Internatsional" [The Socialist Labor Party and the Third International].
K. Sheliavin: Svoboda i Neobkhodimost'.
A. Silver and Israel Amter: Proletar. Diktat. i Indus. Iunionizm" (debat") ["Dictatorship of the Proletariat" or Industrial Unionism: A Debate].
Marcel Solnie: Borbata (Drama v" 3 Deistviia).
L. Trotsky: Istoriia na Ruskata Revoliutsiia [History of the Russian Revolution].
L. Trotsky: Poukite ot" Oktomvri ili 1917.
Cherven" Rabotnicheski Kalendar' [Red Workers' Yearbook]: 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933 - 1934 - 1935
Istoriiata na Sots. Rab. Partiia [A History of the Socialist Labor Party].
Na Barikadite (stsena iz" Fren. Revoliutsiia. [On the Barricades: Scene from the French Revolution].
Minite za Mainerite.
Rabotnicheska Pesniopoika [Workers' Songbook].
Rechnik" na chuzhf dumi v" b"l. ezik" (podv"r).
Sotsialisticheskoto proizvodstvo.
S"iuzni Kopcheta s" Emblema (rzhka i chuk") na SRP.
If anyone knows Bulgarian and can help out with the untranslated titles above, please drop me a line: MutantPop@aol.com
The Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation
By 1935 the name of the SLP's Bulgarian affiliate had changed its name to "Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation."
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Saturday, February 5, 2011
Foreign Language Federations (1890s - 1930) - Bulgarian
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