Saturday, February 5, 2011

Foreign Language Federations (1890s - 1930) - Romanian

There were no primary party units of the United Communist Party that spoke Romanian according to the group's Dec. 1920 statistics.
In the fall of 1921 there was a publication published in Detroit called Desteptarea [Awakening], published and owned by the Romanian Socialist Federation, 4867 Russell Street, Detroit.
Officers of the Romanian Socialist Federation were I. Costea, General Secretary; T. Balash, Assistant Secretary and Librarian. W.C. Zamfir Escu, Editor of Desteptarea; Jacob Nicoara, Business Manager of Desteptarea; and an Executive Committee consisting of: I. Stan, E. Gillezan, A. George, and G. Suciu.

[fn: J.S. Apelman, Report for the Week ending Oct. 15, 1921, NARA M-1085, reel 939, case file 2026000-1689-42.]


There was a Romanian Socialist Federation of America in the early 1920s. The Secretary was "John Cortea."

[fn: Comintern Archive: f. 515, op. 1, d. 75, l. 158.]

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