Monday, February 14, 2011

Pro-Life Vigils Seek to Defund Planned Parenthood

Mon, Feb. 14, 2011 Posted: 06:57 AM EDT

Live Action and 40 Days for Life are teaming up to hold noon vigils on Monday nationwide for victims of sex trafficking in an effort to put pressure on lawmakers and Planned Parenthood.
Lila Rose, founder of the youth-led, pro-life group Live Action, will be hosting a vigil outside a Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood clinic. The event will be attended by 40 Days for Life founder David Bereit, among other pro-life leaders.
The goal of the vigils is to put pressure on U.S. Congressmen to approve legislation to cut federal funding for abortion providers.
"Enough is enough. We must act swiftly and take a public stand against Planned Parenthood’s agenda [by] raising awareness and calling upon Congress to immediately strip the abortion chain of all tax funding,” read a statement on the vigil’s website.
Attendees are encouraged to bring signs that read: “Planned Parenthood is aiding and abetting underage sex trafficking with your tax [dollars]” and “Tell Congress: No tax [dollars] for Planned Parenthood.”
The vigils are a follow up to the release of Live Action's videos showing Planned Parenthood employees giving advice to a self-proclaimed pimp.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards has denounced the videos saying they were edited to damage PPFA. Planned Parenthood officials have also said that he clinic workers answered the actors’ questions, but reported the incidents afterward.
PPFA has since fired one employee and announced that all employees will be retrained.
Rose and several pro-life lobbyists, including Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, have filmed a video segment urging support for the three legislations proposed by the U.S. House Republicans to eliminate funding to abortion providers.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), author of the Title X bill, appeared in the broadcast saying:
"We shouldn't have the leading abortion provider in America or any organization that also provides abortions be in the business of operating and doing the important work of Title 10 clinics.”
Rose and Bereit are urging pro-lifers around the country to hold their own vigils in front of local Planned Parenthood clinics. The vigils are scheduled to begin at noon and last unit 1 p.m.
Stephanie Samuel
Christian Post Reporter

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