Monday, February 14, 2011

"The Third Jihad": Manda Zand Ervin

Ervin is the founder and president of the Alliance of Iranian Women, an organization that informs world governments and human rights groups of the plight of women and children in Iran. During the Iranian revolution Manda witnessed the execution of many innocent people, the basic human rights of the women of Iran being brutally taken from them, and her homeland reverting back to 6th century Arabia.
Ervin has currently been working to inform Western governments about the plight of the women of Iran under Islamic law. She meets regularly with the members of the European Parliament and American Congress. In 2003 she garnered support from US Senators to pass a resolution on the Human rights of the women of Iran. She is frequently interviewed on national and international television and radio programs such as CNN, BBC, Radio France, VOA, and video America . She also lectures at Universities and conferences on the equal rights of women, human rights, and Islamic Sharia law. In February of 2008 Manda was appointed, by the President of the United States, as the United States’ Delegate to the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women.

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