Sunday, February 12, 2012

Top20 Films on Leftism


This is vital information that too many want to ignore. Sending your kid to college? Find out what they will be taught and how they cannot question orthodoxy without imperiling their career. Much as we see in another current film, Expelled, the powers-that-be have labored mightily to exclude all alternative opinions, making their view the only one worthy of discussion. What was once discourse is now indoctrination. -Speech codes -Censorship -Enforced political conformity -Hostility to diversity of opinion -Sensitivity training We usually associate such things totalitarian regimes, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement... Watch online

First time filmmaker Craig Bodeker has created an interesting and important new film, A Conversation About Race, filled with forceful questions and intriguing proof that there has been no conversation about race in America. In fact, he believes that racism has become a tool to attack white Americans... Watch online

“Demographic Winter” -- a dramatic new documentary -- is the first to explore the most overlooked crisis of our times: the rapid, worldwide decline in birth rates. Philip Longman, a demographer and author of “The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity,” observes: “The on-going global decline in human birthrates is the single most powerful force affecting the fate of nations and the future of society in the 21st. century.”... Watch online

As suggested by the apt title, this programme — essential viewing for politicians, teachers, motorists and the entire transport sector, grass roots environmentalists and all 'True Believers' in man-made climate change — will reveal and confirm: how the Sun is an overwhelming influence on continuous climate change over decades and centuries (there is no way for taxation or lifestyle fascism to alter the Sun's eruptivity and irradiance) how carbon dioxide levels are predominantly an effect and not a cause of climate change (a very inconvenient truth) why politicians have been so enthusiastic about embracing the fallacy of human impact on global climate... Watch online

Holodomor. Ukraine, XX century. Genocide Machinery 2005. Millions of innocent victims of the bloody soviet rule. An attempt to destroy the spirit of the ukrainian nation. This is a detailed step-by-step factual account of how the artificial mass famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, the Holodomor, was conceived, executed, covered up; who its masterminds, perpetrators, and apologists were. Against who it was directed. The film is rich with historical documentary information and some riveting eye-witness accounts of the survivors... Watch online

Investigating the origin of the data on sexuality in children presented in Kinseys two bestsellers Sexuality in the Human Male" and "Sexuality in the Human Female". The books that sparked the sexual revolution. It finds that Kinsey and his mentor Robert Latour Dickinson not only based their assumptions on testimony from predatory paedophiles but also trained and equipped the most obsessive ones, in order for them to time and note their abusive child molestations in a scientific manner. Add to this the smirking letters, praising child abusers for their detailed accounts of their assaults on children, in some cases no more than 2 months old. Some of the sadist assaults commited by Kinseys "fieldworkers" later resulted in the death of infants... Watch online

Good and thourough Documentary on the origin of political correctness. As it turns out it is a revision of the marxist concept of false consciousness and has very real similarities with policies made by the communists in the eastern bloc in order to silence dissent.
The western variant originated in the "critical theory" of the Frankfurt School. Refusing to take any responsibility for their own beliefsystem and present their agenda in a direct and comprehensible manner,they found themselves content with igniting the conflicts within capitalist societies in order to weaken them. Promoting hedonism and making enemies of every thinkable grouping within the free world, they kept authorities comfortably busy on the homefront. Employer and employee, blacks and whites, husbands and wives, young and old, gay and straight etc... Watch online

Wellmade documentary about Enoch Powells classic speech.
Transcript of Rivers of Blood Speech: The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature. One is that by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable until they have occurred: At each stage in their onset there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract little attention in comparison with current troubles, which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself with the immediate present at the expense of the future... Watch online

“The Soviet Story” is a story of an Allied power, which helped the Nazis to fight Jews and which slaughtered its own people on an industrial scale. Assisted by the West, this power triumphed on May 9th, 1945. Its crimes were made taboo, and the complete story of Europe’s most murderous regime has never been told. Until now…Watch online

The EU has been sold to Britain as our best hope for the future . . . But behind the scenes, has another, more unsettling agenda been unfolding? In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every British citizen. Watch online

This six tape series, produced by Alexandre Ivankin at Contact Studio, Moscow, uses never before released films from the Russian archives and personal interviews to tell the true story of the annihilation of approximately 40 million Russians by Stalin... Watch online

Documentary about the use of evolutionary biology as a tool for persecution of christians.
I remember following the "creationism vs. evolution" debacle back in the 90s when it was hot. However it quickly became obvious to me that this was simply a disguised political issue, with little if anything to do with science. There is absolutely nothing keeping one from being an evolutionist when it comes to the development of the different species, while maintaining... Watch online

In communism there were some special prisons which were laboratories - Laboratories in which they believed they could create a communist personality. - When you said "I still believe in God" within five minutes you were full of blood.... Watch online

documentary about the british welfare state, and the lies it is founded on. Made by Martin Durkin, who also brought us "The Great Global Warming Swindle". "It’s perfectly clear from the responses to the film, that the arguments presented in it are almost never heard in the mainstream media – certainly not on TV. There is indeed a powerful bias in TV, and that is the Keynesian consensus. Much so-called privatisation of state services is phoney. When the state acts as a customer, it is in many ways just as poisonous as when it’s a provider. When a private company (A) hires another private company (B) to provide a service, it insists on good service at a good price, or it’ll take its custom elsewhere. Why? Because company A needs to make a profit. But the ‘buyers’ in the state sector are not spending their own money and they are under no pressure to make a profit. The relationship is not a proper market"... Watch online

This film is so dense with the most sickening aspects of socialist revolutionary assault on human sexuality, that I don´t know where to begin.
To set the tone, I would like to quote the deceitful intro-speak of the BBC version of the material contained in the above documentary (My emphasis):
This is the story of a boy whos penis was burned off. As a result David Reimer was raised as a girl, for the first 14 years of his life [...] It is also the story of the psychologist who treated him. A man with a radical theory about what makes us male and female, masculine and feminine... Watch online

Citizens United's founder and president, Dave Bossie, came to Hollywood last night to give us a sneak peak at his latest film, Generation Zero. After watching it, two thoughts come to mind:
First, if you are a left-of-center baby boomer, this movie will infuriate you. For although Bossie and writer/director Stephen K. Bannon spread the blame around to many parties (and not just liberals) they take particular aim at baby boomers for creating a culture of indulgence and facilitating the idea that people who don't actually produce anything can nonetheless reap rewards as though they did.

Stunning documentary about the racist/socialist persecution of white Africans in Zimbabwe, delivering a compelling portrait of a family fighting the violent expropriation of farms owned by whites. This film contains very many moments and rare insights into the destructive force of socialist/racial hatred and thievery.
Of course the deafening silence of the western media establishment about this ethnic cleansing of european immigrants is telling, to say the least.Western journalists are not really anti-racist at all, it is little but an ideological tool of subversion. They honestly seem more like simple cold-hearted revolutionaries, bent on the destruction of their own kind, culture and country to pave the way for another socialist patriacide... Watch online

Documentary exposing the the EU expenses racket, showing how MEPs enrich themselves through expenses housing, travels and pensions, hiring of spouses, renting of party real estate etc. etc.
Add to this all the other schemes we have very little knowledge of such the surely very "generous" tax-rules applicable to EU oligarchs.
All of it obviously makes up a whole system of schemes carefully devised to redistribute the riches collected by draconian taxation on work in the former nation-states to special interest groups, cleptocrats and professional revolutionaries.

Documentary exposing the dangers of the New Age Movement; Yoga, Meditation, Eastern Mysticism, Kundalini, PsychologiaI Therapy, Self-Help, Mind Control and much more... It explores its birth, its invasion, and its effect on western society. It explores the pagan roots of eastern mysticism, meditation, yoga, and more. Shows how it was conceived in the early 1960's at a planning session by Hindu gurus in India as a means of converting Americans to Eastern mysticism.

Excellent documentary exposing Ho Chi Minh for the genocidal communist he was. Especially from the 5th part of the playlist and onward, interesting details around Ho Chi Minh´s role in the killing of vietnamese patriots and christians and collaboration with the french colonial power to this end in the 50s. The documentary also shes light on the brutal landreforms and public execution of specific percentages of the villagers as "class enemies".... Watch Online

Documentary on the global warming hoax
When looking at above listed de facto consequences I honestly cannot say, that I wholly agree with the title of this brilliant film. There is surely a a kind of method to this madness, Namely the interest of the international left and the soviets. There is, as Milton Friedman often said, the curious construction of "do-gooders in the front and special interest in the back".
Now, the do-gooders in the front might be "not evil, just wrong" - but certainly the special interest in the back is "Not wrong, just evil!" - Film is highly recommended.. watch online

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