Sunday, February 12, 2012

VIDEO, Photos AFDI/SIOA Islamic Law in America at CPAC 2012

Updated with photos, scroll.
Much thanks to datechguy for these videos -- if anyone else captured video of the beginning of the event, please email me. Our video failed early on. But we got most of it. Full videos will be posted this week.
Once again, our event was SRO, packed. The room was hot as hades (I suppose Grover turned off the air), but that did not stop the sweaty crowd from participating and staying for the full two hour presentation. On an ominous note, three people wearing Americans for Tax Reform ID tags were taking pictures of the faces and name tags of the people attending our event. ATR is Grover's org.
The only coverage of our landmark event in defense of freedom is from the anti-freedom, pro-jihad left. Islamic supremacists and their quisling apologists on the left are trying to twist the meaning of the founder and chairman of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), James Lafferty's remarks.
He issued the following statement about remarks he made during a speech on Shariah law at the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier today:
“I do not condone or encourage any criminal act or vandalism against any mosque . I am a firm believer in the rule of law and the protections our Constitution provides for the free exercise of religion -- and that means all religions. Nothing I said during my speech earlier this evening was intended to minimize or trivialize any vandalism of any mosque or other religious building.”
Political Commentator wrote: Was there any discussion at CPAC about Islamic or Sharia Law in America?
Only in a panel discussion organized by Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch
I first met Geller and Spencer in person February 2011 at the New York screening of the movie that they produced, "The Ground Zero Mosque," shortly after it had premiered at CPAC 2011.
This is the way that I had described it at the time:
"... Predictably, like most every topic of critical importance that contains controversial content and what may be considered by some to be politically incorrect views, an attempt was made to dilute the message brought to CPAC by Geller/Spencer..."
At CPAC 2012 the Geller/Spencer tandem were still not favorite sons of event organizers, and yet this critical story that they and their fellow panelists told of the creeping of Sharia and Islamic Law into American society drew a standing-room-only audience with more than one standing ovation.
Nowhere else at CPAC did this issue of Islamic Law in America, so critical to the national security of the United States, get discussed.
Each one of the five speakers was in his or her own right something of an expert, providing a riveting discourse on the subject and possessing first-hand knowledge of how and why this creep is happening, how it's putting the American way of life in jeopardy along with an in-depth discussion of the way that the Obama Justice Department is a complicit and active participant in the process.
I have been organizing events at CPAC since I first brought Geert Wilders to the Conservative confab back in 2009, but this was our most powerful one yet.
Ilario Pantano
Ilario Pantano, American hero and Congressional candidate in North Carolina
Bev Perlson, Band of Mothers, and Marinka Peschmann, author of Whistleblower, listening to a veteran's terrible story.
The SRO crowd gives a standing ovation to retired Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jesse Nieto, who filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court after base officials determined that he could no longer drive his Toyota with decals and bumper stickers displaying a counter jihad bumpersticker onto any military installation.
Robert Muise, one of our keynote speakers, sued on his behalf and won.
Since base officials have violated Nieto’s right to free speech with the use of bumper sticker restrictions, the base cannot use the regulations to limit free speech in the future, Howard stated in his 16-page ruling.
The restriction carried over to Arlington National Cemetery where Nieto’s son, Marc, was buried after dying in the 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole that also killed 16 other sailors. Nieto, who served two tours of duty in Vietnam War as an infantryman, was not allowed to drive the vehicle into the cemetery, according to the order from base traffic court officer Lt. Col. James Hessen, who was also named as a defendant in the lawsuit.
Photo: Mike G
By testifying that they would allow positively perceived bumper stickers about the Islamic faith, base officials demonstrated they were being selective in their restrictions, said Nieto’s attorney, Robert J. Muise, senior trial counsel for the Thomas More Law Center.
“During testimony base officials said they would permit bumper stickers with messages that said ‘Islam equals peace,’” said Muise. “By allowing messages representing something Mr. Nieto does not believe in but banning him from expressing something he holds true, the base violated his Constitutional rights.”
Muise, a former Marine officer of 13 years who was assigned to Camp Lejeune twice, was surprised when he saw Nieto in the audience and introduced him to the crowd.
Our other keynote speaker, J. Christian Adams, is the heroic former Justice Department lawyer who blew the whistle on the Obama DoJ's refusal to prosecute the Black Panther voter intimidation case. He spoke about the deeply ingrained Islamophilia within Eric Holder's DoJ, and its energetic efforts to enforce special Sharia privileges for Muslims -- such as the notorious case in which the DoJ sued a school district for denying a first-year teacher's outrageous request for 19 days off so that she could go to Mecca on the hajj.
UPDATE: Much thanks to Mike G, who sent these pics to me --
Pamela Geller
Ilario Pantano

Robert Muise
J. Christian Adams

Robert Spencer

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