Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gutfeld: Rahm Emanuel tolerates Chicago ‘death spiral,’ not Chick-fil-A


On so-called Chick-fil-A “appreciation day,” thousands of people flooded the fast food franchise’s 1,300 stores nationwide Wednesday, no thanks to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel said last month that “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” spurring many to support Chick-fil-A on Wednesday.
On Wednesday’s “The Five” on the Fox News Channel, co-panelist Greg Gutfeld offered a theory on why Emanuel decided to be so outspoken about the fast food franchise, which he said had something to do with the city’s high murder rate.
“So lately, we have been playing a game called chase the chicken,” Gutfeld said. “While bad things are happening, we’re obsessing over a fast food joint that serves bird. Why? Well, it sure beats scary stuff like the economy, war and well, murder. Witness Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who bravely said Chick-fil-A didn’t represent Chicago values. What a relief — for the chain, that is, given what those values are. According to NBC Chicago, Chi-town is pretty unbeatable when it comes to violence. Based on a projected murder total of 505 for this year, Chicago has roughly 20 murders per 100,000 people. That’s double Moscow, three times New York City and twice Mexico City. When you gotta go to Mexico to get away from the crime, you’ve got problems.”
And that strategy by the Chicago mayor, according to Gutfeld, shows Emanuel’s lack of priorities when it comes to finding solutions to his city’s problems.
“Anyway, for Rahm it’s really not about gay marriage,” he said. “It’s about a city that its prime export is corpses and keeping that off the radar. Rahm knows the media prefers gay over decay. Far better to report that over the drip, drip, drip of daily bloodshed. So focus on filets, but the citizens know Rahm is chickening out. As a voice of all things tolerant, he has proven to be tolerant of one thing that he shouldn’t be tolerant of: the death spiral of a city hurlting towards hell, with or without the waffle fries.”


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