Thursday, February 28, 2019

From Historynet: Today in History February 28

1066          Westminster Abbey, the most famous church in England, opens its doors.

1574          On the orders of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, two Englishmen and an Irishman are burnt for heresy.

1610          Thomas West Image result for thomas west governor of Virginia. is appointed governor of Virginia.

1704          Indians attack Deerfield, Mass. killing 40 and kidnapping 100.

1847          Colonel Alexander Doniphan Image result for Colonel Alexander Doniphan and his ragtag Missouri Mounted Volunteers ride to victory at the Battle of Sacramento, during the Mexican War.

1861          The territory of Colorado is established.

1863          Four Union gunboats destroy the CSS Nashville near Fort McAllister, Georgia.

1900          After a 119-day siege by the Boers, the surrounded British troops in Ladysmith, South Africa, are relieved.

1916          Haiti becomes the first U.S. protectorate.

1924          U.S. troops are sent to Honduras to protect American interests during an election conflict.

1936          The Japanese Army restores order in Tokyo and arrests officers involved in a coup.

1945          U.S. tanks break the natural defense line west of the Rhine and cross the Erft River.

1946          The U.S. Army declares that it will use V-2 rocket to test radar as an atomic rocket defense system.

1953          Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia sign a 5-year defense pact in Ankara.

1967          In Mississippi, 19 are indicted in the slayings of three civil rights workers.

1969          A Los Angeles court refuses 
Robert Kennedy Image result for Robert Kennedy assassin 
Sirhan Sirhan's Image result for Sirhan Sirhan request to be executed.

1971          The male electorate in Lichtenstein refuses to give voting rights to women.

1994          U.S. warplanes shoot down four Serb aircraft over Bosnia in the first NATO use of force in the troubled area.

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