Friday, August 18, 2023

DX Engineering Gear to Play Major Role in Upcoming Temotu Province & Timor-Leste DXpeditions Posted by Wayne KE8JFW

One of the many ways DX Engineering continues to support the ham radio community is by providing gear for highly anticipated DXpeditions. We’re proud to know that hams who activate out-of-the-way places on the map continue to trust DX Engineering branded equipment for their deployments in remote locales, where finding a fast replacement for a malfunctioning piece of mission-critical gear isn’t an option.

In addition to DXpeditions, DX Engineering is committed to supporting programs that give young hams opportunities to improve their operating skills and immerse themselves in the hobby.

Here are a couple of the upcoming DXpeditions that will be assisted by equipment from DX Engineering. We’ll be going into more depth about these and other ventures in future OnAllBands posts.


Temotu H40WA DXpedition

The Intrepid DX Group plans to activate Temotu Province—the easternmost province of the Solomon Islands—October 26 to November 9, 2023. The eight-operator CW/SSB/FT8 H40WA DXpedition from this 43rd ranked DXCC entity plans to make a significant effort on 160 and 80 meters. They will be active during the CQ WW SSB Contest October 28 and 29, 2023. Learn more at the DXpedition’s official website.

Among other gear provided by DX Engineering, H40WA will be relying on:

a collection of dx engineering RF connectors
(Image/DX Engineering)
dx engineering maxi core balun and mounting kit
(Image/DX Engineering)


Timor-Leste 4W8X DXpedition

The 20-operator 4W8X team plans to be active throughout November 2023 on 160-6M in CW, SSB, RTTY, and maybe some FT8. They will be operating from two sites from this Southeast Asian country, also known as East Timor and officially as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The country of 1.3 million comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor. As of August, Timor-Leste was the 108th most-wanted DXCC entity per Clublog. 4W8X will be active during the CQ WW DX CW Contest, November 25 and 26, 2023.

The 4W8X team, comprised of experienced operators from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, and England—and led by the Lagunaria DX Group—will be using DX Engineering TFS4 Series B Transmit Four-Square Hybrid Controller Systems for 80 and 40 meters.

These finely built systems come with a DX Engineering Transmit Four-Square Control Console and DX Engineering Transmit Four-Square Relay Unit. The hybrid systems allow operators to receive or transmit with 5.5 dB gain in any one of four directions with a 20+ dB front-to-back ratio for interference reduction from unwanted directions. Hams can also switch to a single omni-directional pattern with the push of a button. That means users can listen “all around”—unhindered by pattern nulls—and then select the best direction for signal reception and noise rejection.

The systems are designed for use with four monoband vertical antennas spaced at the corners of a square that are one-quarter wavelength on a side. Systems are also available for 160 meters.

Features include:

  • Easy-to-install classic hybrid design
  • Four directions plus omni for versatile operation
  • 5kW CW power rating for high reliability
  • Hot switching lock-out to disable amplifier while switching
  • Drop-in replacement for COMTEK systems
  • Proven DX Engineering high-performance RF relays
  • Protection provided by RF-shielded, high-impact thermoplastic cover
  • Relays cycle during Power-On to ensure clean contacts
dx engineering antenna selector controller
(Image/DX Engineering)

For 30 meters, the 4W8X team will be depending on a COMTEK ACB-4 Hybrid Four-Square System, also provided by DX Engineering. These 2kW SSB/CW rated systems are also available for 160, 80, 60, 40, and 20 meters. Properly installed with quarter-wave 75-ohm phasing feedlines, they provide an excellent cardioid pattern that is steerable to the four directions of the corners of the four-square array.

Note: DX Engineering acquired COMTEK Systems back in 2008. COMTEK is part of DX Engineering’s family of brands, which also includes Butternut AntennasClifton LaboratoriesHi-Z, Top Ten Devices, and TransWorld (TW) Antenna.

dx engineering comtek hybrid 4 square system controller
(Image/DX Engineering)

The 4W8X DXpedition will also be installing DX Engineering Phased Array Quarter Wave Tuned Cables for 80, 40, and 30 meters.


Best of luck to 4W8X and H40WA, as well as to all the chasers who will be recording ATNOs and filling bands during these upcoming operations. The active hams at DX Engineering are thrilled to be a part of the excitement

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