Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baucus And Tester: Hypocrits

October 3, 2010

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Montana Senators, Max Baucus and Jon Tester would not support a bill that would remove gray wolves from the Endangered Species List in all of the U.S. but decided instead to introduce a bill that would denigrate all states except Montana and Idaho.
“”No one – especially the federal government – knows how to manage wolves in Montana better than Montanans,” Baucus told the Missoulian last week. Isn’t that a nice thing for Sen. Baucus to say? Does he in his arrogance forget he is a part of the federal government that makes and enforces the laws and has contributed the entire wolf problem to begin with? Now he attempts to disassociate himself from his own brotherhood?
It certainly appears to be a huge hypocrisy that Sen. Baucus, obviously supported by his Senate colleague, Sen. Jon Tester, believes that the people of Montana and Idaho know more how to manage wildlife than HIS federal government and yet he thinks HIS federal government knows more how to manage wildlife than the state of Wyoming does.
An AP report quoted Baucus as making this phony statement: “”If Wyoming doesn’t want to put forward a management plan that works, that’s Wyoming’s fault,”. In other words, Baucus and Tester are throwing Wyoming under the bus because we know that without a united plan, supported by all of Congress, no action will happen to relieve states from their wolf peril, which is the ultimate goal.
Baucus and Tester reveal their true identities in that they believe they know better than anyone else. They try to hide their hypocrisy by pulling wool over eyes and dangling carrots but the truth is they are typical politicians looking to save their own hide. They come riding into town days before the next round of elections on a horse and wearing shiny armor pretending to save the day.
If the two senators from Montana truly believed that Montana and Idaho have the sovereign right and ability to manage their own wildlife, they would be eager to extend that same precept to their neighbors in Wyoming and every other state in the Union. But they don’t. It becomes obvious who carries the torch of aristocratic authority.
Careful whose banner you hide under!
Tom Remington

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