2013.01.03 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Sunnis target a minibus carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to kill just
Articles &
CAIR Tries to Kill 'Islamist' (AlgeMeiner)
Will American journalists take their marching order from a
terror-linked Islamist group?
Colors of Peace-Loving Muslims (Islam Watch)
Why are they called "peace-loving" when they don't seem
terribly bothered by others killing for the cause of Islam?
Why Al Gore is the Greatest Progressive (Daily Caller)
Why wait until the end of the month to name a Dhimwit for
January? No one's going to beat out an environmental hypocrite who makes
millions from big oil by giving Terror TV an American beachhead.
Egypt's Stillborn Democracy (American Thinker)
"We are looking at a Middle East that is descending in an
inchoate free fall back down onto the familiar ground of religious
fundamentalism, primordial, primitive tribal society, and internecine
Jihadism, Antisemitism, and
Totalitarianism (Andrew Bostom)
(Video) The venerable Andrew Bostom explains why he decided to throw
himself into countering Jihad and Islamization.
Christian Arabs, You're Next (INN)
Shedding some reality on the true plight of Arab Christians.
al-Jazeera: Psychological Warfare (Gatestone)
"As a TV channel, Al-Jazeera does not operate under accepted Western
norms. It is a fundamentalist terrorist communications base operating under
Qatari political cover, with a pretense of pluralism."
Who Are the Extremists? (Ynet)
are the extremists? Those who want the security barrier and all the checkpoints
removed, which will lead to a wave of terror attacks against Israeli civilians,
or those who want the barrier and checkpoints to remain in place?"
Inconvenient Truths and the
Palestinians (Gatestone)
What the
Palestinian leadership in the West Bank do not want others to know.
God-Given Right to Be Atheist (al-Bawaba)
As Egypt
slides further into the grip of religious fundamentalism, the freedom not to
believe is slowly disappearing
A Sudanese-Style Genocide in Egypt? (FrontPage Magazine)
Islamists in the Sudan massacred millions for
resisting Sharia. Will the Muslim Brotherhood do the same in Egypt?
Islamist Threat is Second to None (The Gleaner)
The Western proclivity to project our own values onto our
enemies is losing ground to reality.
Patronizing the
Palestinians (Pat
(Video) Why isn't it
considered 'racist' to hold Palestinians to lower standards?
Morsi: The Common Tyrant (FrontPage Magazine)
The new Egyptian dictator is already a master of populist rhetoric
and scapegoating.
Sue Myrick: Infidel from Hell (WND)
"As Myrick leaves the House on Thursday, she leaves behind a legacy
as a strong patriot and fearless stateswoman in the war on Islamic
Proof that Allah is a Mouse? (Answering Muslims)
An example of the sorry state of Islamic
Judeo-Christo-Phobia in Islam (Islam Watch)
When Muslims hate unbelievers, they're just following their
Killing Charity in the Name of Jihad (Pak. Christian Post)
Only one religion murders humanitarian workers
in the name of God.
Hunting the Unicorn of 'Moderate Islam' (American Thinker)
"The voice of these courageous saints of Islamic moderation
are as crickets chirping."
An Insane Killer & 'Islamophobia' (Jihad Watch)
A Muslim Brotherhood linked writer in the U.S. wastes no time
trying to get mileage out of a tragedy in New York involving a mentally-ill
woman off her medication.
The Islamization of France 2012 (Gatestone)
What Muslim immigrants to France lose in public opinion, they more
than make up for in political and cultural gains.
Exposing the Anti-Israel 'Peace'
Industry (FrontPage)
the hand-wringing for the billions of people on the planet who are far worse off
than the Palestinians but don't have themselves to blame?
The Islamist Memeplex (Islam Watch)
"The desire for utopia, along with the promise of eternal heaven, can
somehow paradoxically justify the ultimate Jihadic fantasy of attaining world
peace through suicide bombings."
Black Slavery in America and Turkey (Andrew Bostom)
"It is important to note the complete absence of anything
resembling a slavery abolition movement within Ottoman Turkey, even during the
modernization period."
al-Qaeda Carves Out Its Own Country in
Mali (Yakima
"Fowler said he saw
al-Qaida fighters chant Quranic verses under the Sahara sun for hours, just one
sign of their deep, ideological commitment."
China Rushes to Define Itself as
'Muslim' (Greenfield)
read the fine print first. Islam doesn't have a good history of giving
Should Britain Push Back? (Douglas Murray)
(Video) Where does tolerating the intolerant really lead?
Geert Wilders' Courageous Journey (FrontPage Magazine)
"Wilders has paid a price for his condemnation
of Islam."
More Resources
from TROP
Previous Picture of the Week
This man loves his religion. He loves his
prophet. You can tell by the way he puts himself into beating a total
stranger accused of disrespecting a copy of the Quran. About 70
other Muslims joined in the punishment. The festivities culminated with the
suspected Islamophobe being set on fire.
A Buddhist monk in Burma echoes universal
exasperation with Muslim entitlement. While the Muslim community always blames its
bad behavior on others, the rest of the world is starting to figure out the
common denominator.
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