Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mocking Elizabeth Warren October 13, 2019 by Dan Mitchell

Since Elizabeth Warren is now the supposed frontrunner for the Democrats, she merits closer inspection.
That includes serious analysis of her policy proposals. I’ve already done some of that (reviewing her statist views on Social Securitycorporate governancefederal spendingtaxationWall Street, etc).
And, since all politicians deserve mockery, it also includes humor.
Needless to say, most Warren satire revolves around her dodgy claim to Indian ancestry. I’ve already shared some examples, and we’re adding to that collection today.
We’ll start with a pointed observation about her support for gun control
By the way, check the end of this column for a more serious take on the topic.
Returning to today’s theme, Senator Warren appeared on daytime TV to get her DNA results.
Though, to be fair, her DNA test did discover a tiny trace of Indian ancestry.
Though not enough to beat Ivory.
And since I used to drive a Jeep Cherokee, I found this item particularly amusing.
Last but not least, here’s an item for conspiracy-minded folks who think Bill and Hillary Clinton have a habit of…well, let’s put it delicately…a habit of permanently removing political obstacles.
I’ll close with a serious point.
There’s nothing wrong with Warren thinking she had Indian ancestry. Plenty of people presumably have mistaken beliefs about their genetic wiring, especially in a melting-pot nation like the United States.
And I don’t even have a big problem with her fake stories about family persecution. I suspect all politicians embellish their resumes and try to make their life stories more appealing.
What’s offensive about Warren, however, is that she used fake claims of minority status for personal advantage, even if it meant taking jobs from real minorities (which is why her phoniness reminds me of Soul Man, a comedic flick from the 1980s).
P.S. Since I believe in the humor version of equal opportunity, we have some Bernie humor herehere, and here, some Biden humor herehere, and here, and some potshots at Trump herehere, and here.
P.P.S. And let’s not forget this mockery of Senator Warren from 2011.

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