Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Economics Humor by Dan Mitchell

I shared four columns of economics humor in 2023 (March, August, November, and December), so we’re due for our first 2024 installment.

Let’s start with an example that easily could be part of socialism humor or communism humor, but it seems to apply to any strain of leftism.

Next, I’ve repeatedly debunked the silly idea that there is pervasive wage discrimination, but all of the research in that field of labor economics is based on the assumption that there are two genders.

The woke crowd is going to have to update their assumptions.

Next, I found a very appropriate motto for California government.

Our fourth item is the government version of the Field of Dreams.

Per tradition, I’ve saved the best for last.

I’ve written many serious columns about the failure and absurdity of anti-money laundering laws. Basically, politicians have created a system where banks and other financial institutions are compelled to spy on customers (supposedly to fight crime, but such policies are utterly ineffective).

Anyhow, the Australian government decided to expand these AML laws and rules by requiring banks to ask customers to justify large bank withdrawals. So this clever fellow recorded some amusing reasons.

You may not think money-laundering policy lends itself to humor, but there’s also an amusing anecdote involving a former President.

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