Posted By David Horowitz On March 10, 2011 @ 12:39 pm
I’m sitting in my hotel room in Brooklyn, awaiting my speech tonight which will be protested by Muslim radicals and their leftist allies, and watching CNN conduct a propaganda campaign against the Peter King hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in America. So far only Muslim leftist Keith Ellison‘s teary testimony has been featured. This testimony, if it can be called that, was to accuse the committee of targeting the innocent and feeding ignorant prejudice against Muslims. Ellison and his political allies ask: Why is the Muslim community a focus of the Committee’s concern (and not, say, Presbyterians?) What about Timothy McVeigh? It’s interesting how every time there’s any mention of Muslims and terror, Timothy McVeigh comes up as counter-example. The Oklahoma City bombing was the demented work of a lone individual and was 16 years ago! Where are the other counter-examples? Oh yes, loon Jared Lee Loughner’s name came up on the CNN broadcast (and I believe I actually heard a CNN commentator refer to the shooting of Congressman Gifford as a “terrorist attack.”)
The answer to “Why Muslims?” is that it is a religion whose prophet said Muslims should kill the Jews and other infidels, and the murderers of 9/11 acted in the name of Islam. There are Muslim Imams, Koran in hand, who preach hatred the world over and in American mosques and on American college campuses. There have been 17,000 terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11 and all 13 Americans killed on American soil by a terrorist in the last year were killed by a Muslim. Numerous terror plots of Muslims designed to kill Americans on American soil in the last year have been foiled.
Who knows how many are being hatched right now? Should this not be a cause of concern? CNN even had an FBI agent who was chief of the Indianapolis bureau boast that he was good friends with the head of the local chapter of ISNA, the chief Muslim Brotherhood front in America. Of course he didn’t mention the Muslim Brotherhood connection but portrayed ISNA as representing the Muslim community. The irony in all this is it’s the political left and the Brotherhood’s friends both witting and unwitting — Ellison, CAIR, and sappy CNN commentators — who insist on identifying the Muslim community with terrorists and their sponsors.
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