Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stephen King Demands to Know Why He’s Not Paying More in Taxes

By Doug Powers  •  March 17, 2011 11:26 AM

Who better to weigh in on the issue of nightmarish debt spending and the blood-curdling notion that a country can tax its way to prosperity than one of the masters of the horror genre?
In Florida recently, author Stephen King, out of concern for the well-being of the middle and lower classes, expressed a willingness to financially martyr himself when he said, “As a rich person, I pay 28 percent tax… what I want to ask you is, why am I not paying 50?” The crowd applauded in appreciation at King’s willingness to throw more of his income down the money hole never to be seen again without first asking themselves, “If he really wants to help the middle and lower classes, why doesn’t he start by giving his books away for free?”
If King’s not aware, he can pay 50 percent of his income to the government, thanks to the Treasury Department’s volunteer donations program that allows guilt-ridden rich liberals a way to relieve themselves of their soul-rotting cash burden (they rarely take advantage of it though).
There’s some criticism of elitist Tea Party candidates here as well. King prefers to support only blue-collar working class politicians like John Kerry:

(h/t Joyanna Adams)
**Written by Doug Powers

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