Thursday, March 17, 2011

Salon Promotes Dangerous Myth: Islamic Radicalization is Just a Theory

Posted By Lisa Richards On March 17, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

The left has finally debunked the myth of Islamic radicalization.
Salon’s Justin Elliott, an Islam apologist, wants to prove America has nothing to fear from Islam or its radical ideology that brings terror to the world. To make his bone-headed case,  Elliott interviewed Faiza Patel, co-director of the Liberty & National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, asking her if Islamic radicalization is real or the invention of hypersensitive, overreacting Americans.  According to Patel, a human rights attorney, the notion that American Muslims are indoctrinating young men to commit terror is nothing more than:
a ‘religious conveyor belt’ theory that says there is a defined path toward terrorism: young Muslim men who are socially or politically alienated become progressively more religious; they come to embrace the use of violence; and eventually they commit a terrorist attack or support an attack in some way. What the NYPD has suggested—and I think the FBI has signed onto this as well—is that there are markers of each phase. These are primarily religious behaviors.  So if a young man stops smoking or stops drinking, maybe that’s a sign that he’s becoming radicalized and is on the path to terrorism. This is a very reductionist understanding of radicalization, and it’s simply not supported by the social science evidence. Last year the Defense Department did a report on Fort Hood that pointed out that violence is notoriously difficult to predict.
Patel’s whitewashing of facts is ludicrous.
First: the Koran calls for jihad against non-Muslims (infidels). Law enforcement is not oversimplifying real threats, rather examining Islamic fact—the movement intentionally radicalizes followers and terror is the outcome.
Second:  The Fort Hood Massacre was not only easy to predict, it had very strong warning signs from Major Nidal Hasan, who threatened senior Army physicians nearly two years before the attacks.  Hasan demanded the military let all Muslim soldiers become conscientious objectors to prevent them from fighting fellow Muslims overseas.  Hasan told Fort Hood if the military did not agree to this, the military would suffer “adverse events.”
Hasan is on record as lecturing Fort Hood psychologists every Wednesday about Islam, warning the military it would receive suicide bomb threats from American Muslim soldiers deployed to fight fellow Muslims in Islamic countries.  The Washington Post reports:
The title of Hasan’s PowerPoint presentation [to military psychologists] was ‘The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.’  It consisted of 50 slides.  In one slide, Hasan described the  presentation’s objectives as identifying ‘what the Koran inculcates in the minds of Muslims and the potential implications this may have for the U.S. military.’
The Post article says Hasan’s lectures discussed “offensive jihad,”something Osama bin Laden demands. Also on his slides:
‘If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the ‘infidels’; ie: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary; ie: suicide bombing, etc.’ [sic],” and ‘We [Muslims] love death more then [sic] you love life!’
No warning signs?This is what American law enforcement is trying to stop and leftists like the so-called human rights attorney Patel and Elliott want ignored—Islamic terror.
Elliott’s sugar-coated interview excuses facts surrounding the Hasan case as well as other American-born Islamic terrorists calling for jihad against America: al-Qaeda operative Adam Gadahn, who called for all Muslims to take down America“by killing or capturing people in government, industry and the media.,” Hamas-linked CAIR, and the imam all Muslims committing terror against America turn to—Anwar al-Awlaki.
Patel, like Elliott, pretends Islam is peace-loving, while insisting there are no warning signs indicating Islamic terrorism:
We’ve had a multitude of studies on terrorism—from the British MI5, the RAND Corporation—and all of them come to the conclusion that it’s really difficult to figure out who is going to become a terrorist based upon these kinds of markers.  The troubling thing is that the markers, of course, are all religious behavior.
Of course the markers are religious.  Islam is a radical religious movement that began from, and continues to commit terror. Islam and its Koran command terror must be perpetrated on infidels (non-Muslims) in the name of Allah.
Rather than expose the truth about Islamic terror in America, Elliott joined Patel on her apology jihad.  What can one expect from leftist apologists for Islam?
Leftists purposely shove their brains in the sand, ignoring the backpacks as they explode.  The Left not only protects Islam, they gladly join and fund Islamic terror in an attempt to destroy America and Christianity, and complete what Hitler could not—the extinguishing of Jews.
Maybe if we detain the FBI at Guantanamo Bay and unleash all those poor terrorists on America and the world, there will finally be peace.

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