Monday, September 12, 2011

Author Pens New Teen Thriller on Radical Islam

By Jennifer Wishon
Author Andrew Klavan has just written a new adventure novel for young people on Christianity and radical Islamic terrorism.
The book, titled The Final Hour, is the last book in his "Homelanders Series" in which a Christian teen named Charlie West battles Islamo-fascists.
Klavan said he wanted to write a story riveting enough to get boys and girls to put down their video game controllers and read.
"There is this faction, this cancer within the Islamic faith, that has produced this large number of people who are killing people in the name of God," Klavan told CBN News. "That's a very specific thing to do."
"It's not killing people for bread," he noted. "It's not killing people out of rage; it's not even killing people out of a political philosophy."
"It's killing them because they don't share your faith and because your faith demands their death," he said.
"Those are issues that I wanted a Christian to have to deal with -- a guy whose faith upholds him and whose faith defines his world and shapes the way he looks at the world," Klavan explained.
Klavan has his own interesting spiritual journey and he's not shy about sharing his beliefs.
Watch more of CBN News Correspondent Jennifer Wishon's interview with Klavan below:

Klavan describes his religious and political journeys from atheism to becoming a conservative born again Christian.

Klavan explains what inspired his new series, which The Daily Beast likened to "a teenage version of 24."
Is the subject of Islam terrorism too weighty for young adults. Klavan doesn't think so.
"I think to hide these things from young people and to tell them that they're not issues is to strip them of the power to make their own decisions and to sort out how they want to maneuver through the world," he told CBN News.

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