Thursday, July 5, 2012

The ABC of Communism

Written: 1920
Source: Bukharin and Preobrazhensky "The ABC of Communism", Penguin Books, 1969
First Published in English: 1922
Part One: Theoretical - Growth and Decay of Capitalism

Part Two: Practical - The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Upbuilding of Communism
XII. The Organization of Industry
§ 93. The expropriation of the bourgeoise and the proletarian nationalization of large-scale industry
§ 94. Our goal, the development of productivity
§ 95. The purposive organization of economic life
§ 96. The development of economic cooperation with other lands
§ 97. The organization of small-scale industry, handicraft, and home industry
§ 98. The organization of industry and trade unions
§ 99. The utilization of labour power
§ 100. Comradely labour discipline
§ 101. The employment of bourgeois experts
§ 102. The union of production and science
XIII. The Organization of Agriculture
§ 103. Agrarian conditions in Russia prior to the revolution
§ 104. Agrarian conditions in Russia subsequent to the revolution
§ 105. Why does the future belong to large-scale socialist agriculture?
§ 106. Soviet agriculture
§ 107. Urban and suburban agriculture (market gardening)
§ 108. Communes and artels
§ 109. Cooperative farming
§ 110. Agricultural cooperation
§ 111. The state utilization of abandoned areas; the mobilization of agricultural experts; lending stations; improvement to the land; land settlements
§ 112. State assistance to peasant agriculture
§ 113. The union of manufacturing industry with agriculture
§ 114. The tactics of the Communist Party in relation to the peasants
XIV. The Organization of Distribution
§ 115. The abolition of private trade
§ 116. The apparatus of distribution
§ 117. Cooperation in former days
§ 118. Contemporary cooperation
§ 119. Other organs of distribution
XV. The Organization of Banks and Monetary Circulation
§ 120. The Nationalization of the banks and the unified people's bank. The bank as a central book-keeping establishment
§ 121. Money and the dying-out of the monetary system
XVI. Finance in the Proletarian State
§ 122. The state as a parasitic apparatus
§ 123. The proletarian state as a productive apparatus
§ 124. The budget of the proletarian state
XVII. The Housing Problem
§ 125. The housing problem in capitalist society
§ 126. The housing problem in the proletarian state
XVIII. Labour Protection and Social Welfare Work
§ 127. What is labour protection?
§ 128. The chief fields of labour protection
§ 129. What has been done in Russia as regards labour protection?
§ 130. What is social welfare work?
§ 131. The chief provinces of social welfare work
§ 132. Social welfare work in Russia
§ 133. Other measures for the improvement of the condition of the working class
§ 134. Further tasks of the party
XIX. Public Hygiene
§ 135. The need for the special protection of public health
§ 136. The nationalization of medical institutions
§ 137. The labour duty of medical workers
§ 138. Immediate tasks in the domain of public hygiene
Appendix: Programme of the Communist Party of Russia
Joined the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party in 1903 where he quickly became a part of the Bolshevik-wing. Played no significant part until he met Bukharin with whom he wrote The ABC of Communism. Shortly after he joined the editorial board of Pravda, and in 1920 he was elected to the secretariat of the party central committee. Supported war-communism and spoke about the depreciation of the currency as a factor leading to the abolishment of classes. Resisted NEP and was removed from the secretariat. In 1922 he criticized the attempts to create greater equality in the countryside, and this led to his break with Bukharin. After Lenin's death a signator of the "Declaration of the 46" which definitely made him a part of the opposition, though without any important position. Exiled to Siberia in 1927, but was re-admitted to the party in 1929. Arrested in 1935 or 1936 and died in prison, not subject to any of the Moscow Trials.

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