Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Islamists Demand Legalization of ‘Sex-Slave’ Marriages

Posted on July 10, 2012 at 11:57pm by Mytheos Holt

We are quite confident that when it comes to our readers, the topic of marriage is a touchy one, especially as regards the potential institutionalization of same-sex marriage. However, one fact of which we are absolutely certain is that no one in our audience will approve of the changes to marriage currently being pushed in Egypt by a group of Islamic radicals known as the Salafists.
Feminists often complain that marriage is an institution that renders women subservient to men; in fact, the more radical of them believe it’s tantamount to slavery. Shockingly, the Salafists not only agree with this diagnosis, but think it‘s shockingly unfair that Egypt won’t allow them to engage in marriages that are explicitly based around sexual slavery. From a report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism:
Egyptian Salafists are demanding the legalization of Islamic “sex-slave” marriages and are calling on Morsi to expel all Shi’ite Muslims and Bahai from Egypt. Prominent Muslim clerics are demanding the destruction of Egypt’s Great Pyramids.[...]
But it’s doubtful that Egyptian Islamists have any genuine interest in moderation or compromise. While the Brotherhood reportedly wants to institute a caliphate in Egypt, it can appear almost moderate when compared to the Salafists.
In March, Salafi leader Wagdy Ghoneim celebrated the death from kidney disease of Pope Shenouda III, the 88-year-old Coptic Christian leader. “We rejoice that he is destroyed. He has perished,” Ghoneim said. “May God have His revenge on him in the fire of hell – he and all who walk his path.”
Now, in the interests of fairness, we have to point out that the Salafists are the people who make the Muslim Brotherhood look good. Yes, such a group exists. Nevertheless, you have to wonder how long it will take before this group manages to stir up mobs against their ideological/religious opponents and start causing civil unrest in the name of allowing them to chain their “wives” up. It certainly would not surprise us, given some of the things we’ve heard from Egypt.

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